DLR News Bulletin – May 21st 2024

There is a lot going on in the community (competition open to Resident’s Associations, Clean Coasts Photography, dlr Heritage event, funding and grants, Biodiversity events, free training and much more) so please have a read below. In order to make it easier to share the content below with your members (via WhatsApp for example), we have created this DLR PPN Web Bulletin


dlr People’s Archive Day – 24th May, 11am – 4pm

Do you have archives or artefacts that reflect your family’s story? Do you have items of local interest that have been in your family for generations? Do you have photographs, newspapers or ephemera relating to life in the county and further afield through the years? If so, dlr Heritage would like to talk to you!

This one-day event provides the opportunity for residents of the county to bring their personal and historic records and share the stories behind them. The event will take place on 24 May 2024 in Samuel Beckett Civic Campus at Ballyogan with experts on-hand to provide practical information and advice on caring for your family memorabilia. Items will also be professionally photographed and catalogued to create a register of the dlr People’s Archive. Tea, coffee and light refreshments will be provided. Read more and register here.


Focus on Funding – Free training 

  1. Monday 10 June – 7 to 9 pm – Sources of Funding. Location Dundrum Pastoral Centre (In-Person Event). This seminar provides an opportunity to identify the challenges and the most common mistakes funding applicants make. Participants will come away with a better understanding of appropriate language and wording to help better make the case for their grant application.
  2. Tuesday 11 June – 7 to 9 pm – All About dlr County Council Grants Location: Royal Marine Hotel (In-person Event)- dlr County Council will provide information on the types of funding and how to apply.
  3.  Wednesday 12 June 2024 – 11 am – Clan Credo – Information on funding supports the provide (Zoom 45mins)
  4. Thursday 13 June – 11 am – Change X Information on their online funding platform and projects they support (Zoom 30min) Register HERE for one or several of the training sessions


Biodiversity Week 

This week is Biodiversity Week! dlr are hosting some exciting talks for you to join. Links to book here:

  1. Wednesday 22 May | Invasive Species talk followed by Creating Wildlife Pond – Register here
  2. Thursday 23 May | Biodiversity Plan and Rewilding Projects 2 – Register here
  3. Sunday 26 May | Citizen Science Stream Sampling – Register here
  4. Sunday 26 May | Marlay Park Pond Dipping Event: Register here


dlr Community Competitions 

1. Tidy Districts 2024 competition is now open – Deadline 5pm, Friday 28th June. The Tidy Districts competition offers Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council an opportunity to recognise and reward the voluntary efforts of residents’ associations, tidy district and tidy town groups to enhance their local environment.

While Tidy Districts began with a focus on anti-litter, its brief has expanded over the years to recognise and encourage the contributions of communities in the areas of biodiversity, community engagement, waste prevention and climate action.  Read more here.

2. Love Your Coasts Photography Competition – With a prize fund of €5,000 across five categories – see below. Read more and apply here.

  • 🏖️Coastal Landscape
  • 🏰Coastal Heritage
  • 🦭Wildlife and the Coast
  • 🤿Underwater
  • 🏄‍♂️People and the Coast. 


Consultation and Other Opportunities

1. Future of Water Workshop – 30th May, from 1pm to 4.30pm. This workshop is for anyone who is curious to learn more about how emerging issues, signals of change and current events can impact the future of water. Places are limited and registration is required – Register here.

2. Dublin Agglomeration Noise Action Plan 2024 – 2028 consultation is now open. Deadline – 24th of May 2024. Read more here.


Local Funding Opportunities 

dlr High Security Locks Scheme 2024 – High Security Locks Scheme 2024 for Home owners aged 65 years and over. Deadline for applications – 31st of May 2024. The dlr High Security Locks Scheme 2024 is to support residents 65 years of age and over living in Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown (dlr) with replacing their existing lock barrels / cylinders in external doors with high security anti-snap locks, through an application process. Read more and apply here.


National Funding Opportunities – See a comprehensive list at this link

  • 2025 Programme for Support Organisations to Early Learning & Care/ School Age Childcare and Childminding Sector
  • The Wheel’s Training Links Programme
  • Seed Grants – Arts in Residential Care 2024
  • Coca‑Cola Thank You Fund 2024
  • Festivals Investment Scheme
  • ALDI 2024 Community Grants Programme
  • RISE Community Fund
  • ServiceNow Community Improvement Fund
  • Animal Welfare Grants Programme 2024
  • PEACEPLUS Programme – Cross Border Funding
  • Rural Regeneration and Social Inclusion Programme – PEACEPLUS Programme
  • 2024 Childminding Development Grants
  • Funding for Community and Sports Facilities under the 2024 CLÁR programme
  • AIB Community €1 Million Fund
  • 2024 One World Week Seed Fund
  • Participation Nation Outdoor Fund
  • Music Capital Scheme 2024
  • Large-Scale Sports Infrastructure Funding
  • EU Just Transition Fund
  • Fáilte Ireland Regenerative Tourism and Placemaking Scheme
  • Sports and Wellness Fund 2024 – Rethink Ireland
  • Movement for Good 2024
  • Commemorations Bursary Scheme new Research Grant for Local Historians
  • Energy For Generations Fund
  • Artist in the Community Scheme
  • 2024 Walks Scheme Expansion
  • Age & Opportunity Active National Grant Scheme
  • 2024 Community Recognition Fund
  • Parent and Toddler Group Grants Initiative 2024
  • Seniors Alert Scheme (SAS)
  • The Hospital Saturday Fund
  • Community-based CCTV Grant Aid Scheme
  • SEAI Energy Master Plan Funding for Sustainable Energy Communities
  • LEADER Funding
  • PayPal Giving Fund Ireland
  • Supports for Social Enterprises and SMEs


International Funding Opportunities – For more information, click here

  • Advancement of Wildlife Research
  • Creativity Pioneers Fund
  • United By Sport – Adidas Foundation
  • Patagonia Environmental Grants
  • ProVeg Grants
  • Healthy Lungs for Life

As always, thank you for your support of the local community and please share the above with the members of your group (link to Web Bulletin HERE)

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