Mail Boat Leinster Centenary

The centenary book marking the loss of the Dún Laoghaire to Holyhead Mail Boat just one month before the end of  World War 1,  proved extremely popular as a Christmas gift,  especially throughout Dún Laoghaire Rathdown.  

“The Last Voyage of The Leinster”, was published by the Centenary Committee with the assistance of DLR County Council and will be available through all good bookshops throughout the coming year, and directly from the Mail Boat Leinster Committee at 3 Eblana Avcenue, Dún Laoghaire.(€20 per copy including postage).

The centenary committee is made up of relatives of people who were aboard the ship when it sank along with community activists from DLR.

An ambitious programme is being developed at present by the committee to mark the centenary which lands on 10th October next.  The organising committee has requested all interested, especially relatives of people who were on the ship, to register with them for inclusion on invitation lists.

The following is a brief outline of the programme agreed to date;

Sunday 7th October 2018; 2.00p.m

Deansgrange Cemetery; unveiling of a monument in memory of William Maher, the hero of the Leinster.  When the ship was sinking he saved the lives of several passengers and was awarded the Humanity Society’s medal for bravery in 1919.

Tuesday 9th October 2018,  8p.m 

The Dún Laoghaire Club, 3 Eblana Avenue, Dún Laoghaire.  Talk on the Leinster by Dr. Gareth Hews, Wales, who will reveal new findings on the disaster, not previously heard in public. The venue has strong historical connections with the Mail Boat Leinster and to-day has many members who lost relatives in the disaster.

Wednesday 10th October 2018 

The Centenary Day;  Events will commence with an early morning boat trip to the site of the ship’s wreck where wreaths will be laid. Then at 9.00 a.m; Assemble for the main events. 9.30am; The ceremony commences in Dún Laoghaire. 9.45a.m; Minutes silence will be observed throughout Dún Laoghaire and Holyhead. (There will be a similar ceremony taking place in Holyhead at the same time).   

The main ceremony will be be followed by a reception and a Centenary Lunch.  All interested in participating in the boat trip, reception and Centenary Lunch should register with the organising committee asap.

Afternoon – visits to local Mail Boat Leinster locations including the St. John’s Ambulance exhibition  (St. John’s Ambulance people were involved in the rescues and recovery of victims),  an exhibition being mounted of artefacts at the National Maritime Museum, Moran Park, Dún Laoghaire and view the “Mail Boat Leinster” shop window displays throughout the town. A detailed printed programme and “Leinster trail” will be available for the day.

The Mail Boat Leinster Committee can be contacted at The Eblana Lodge, 3 Eblana Avenue, Dún Laoghaire, County Dublin.  Email; [email protected]

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