Imagine Dundrum consults children and young people

Imagine Dundrum consults children and young people about their hopes for the future of Dundrum.

Imagine Dundrum, the community group campaigning for a strong community voice in planning for the future of Dundrum, has been reaching out to children and young people and asking them how they would like to see their village develop.

Imagine Dundrum partnered with the Irish Architecture Foundation, and their Education Curator, Rebecca Blake, to help gather the views and ideas from local children. Rebecca was joined by a London-based colleague, Eduardo Rico, who is highly experienced in working with children on the design of urban spaces using creative methods and new technology.

Fifth class students from Holy Cross Primary School and Taney Primary School in Dundrum joined John Lennon, local historian, and Rebecca Blake from the Irish Architectural Foundation on a walkabout in Dundrum, learning about the heritage of the village and thinking about how the village might develop in the future. The walkabout was followed up with exciting classroom-based workshops.


Anne Colgan, Chairperson of Imagine Dundrum said ‘It is really important that the new Dundrum will be a child-friendly place. Urban planners and designers must have the needs of children and families at the centre of their thinking. What better way to ensure planning is child-centered than to hear directly from children about their ideas for a child-friendly village! They hope to talk to post primary students and third level students from the area in the Autumn.’

The children talked about safe cycling and walking, places to play, making Dundrum green, more for young people to do in Dundrum, the need for a skate park and an ice-cream shop,  making Dundrum a good place for older people and little people, and much more.

Taney School Principal, Mrs. Carpenter and Holy Cross Principal, Mr. Mac Mathuna stressed the educational value for children of engaging in the consultation and welcomed the opportunity for the children to talk about their hopes and ideas for Dundrum.

Imagine Dundrum will present the children’s views to Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council and to the representatives of Hammerson, the owners and developers of the old Shopping Centre site in Dundrum.

To find out more about Imagine Dundrum, email [email protected]  or go to

For more information contact Anne Colgan, 087 4195486

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