Tuath Housing Community Covid 19 Emergency Fund

Tuath Housing Association have launched the Tuath Housing Community Covid 19 Emergency Fund to assist community groups who are providing support to Tuath Housing tenants during the Covid 19 pandemic.  The deadline for application is 5 pm, Tuesday 19th May 2020.  Anyone wishing to apply or looking for further information can contact [email protected]

What is the Tuath Housing Community Covid 19 Emergency Fund?
The Tuath Housing Community Covid 19 Emergency Fund was set up to assist both residents’ groups involved in the Tuath Housing Tenant Engagement initiative and local community groups who are providing support to Tuath Housing tenants during the Covid 19 pandemic. The fund will assist groups who are providing food, meals and essential supplies to vulnerable residents. The fund will also contribute to groups who are providing essential information to tenants by phone or using technology to change service delivery.

How much funding is available?
There is a maximum of up to €1,000 available per group or organisation. (The amount of funding granted will depend on the volume of requests for funding received.)

Who can apply for funding?
Residents’ groups involved in the Tuath Housing Tenant Engagement initiative, not-for-profit community groups and voluntary organisations. Examples of community groups who may apply include those running food banks who may be running low on supplies, youth groups providing children with supplies and have an increased demand since school closures, organisations providing services to older residents in need of basic essentials and befriending or IT essentials to assist with provisions and combat loneliness and isolation during the Covid 19 pandemic.

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