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What is Dún Laoghaire Rathdown Public Participation Network?

The Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown Public Participation Network (sometimes shortened to Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown PPN or DLR PPN) is an independent network of community, voluntary, social inclusion and environmental organisations, active in the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County area.

Our main aim is to facilitate communication between community groups and the local authority.  This includes supporting community groups to take part in decisions made by the local authority.  The PPN is the main link through which the local authority connects with these groups, in addition to usual consultation processes carried out by the local authority.

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County is located south of Dublin City. It covers the south-east part of County Dublin, stretching from the Dublin Mountains to the coast, including areas such as Dundrum, Glencullen, Shankill and Blackrock.

Public Participation Networks were introduced through the Local Government Act (2014). DLR PPN is run through a collaboration between local volunteer-led organisations and Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council.

The aims of DLR PPN:

  • Our main aim is to facilitate communication between community groups and the local authority
  • To enable people, groups and organisations within the community & voluntary, environmental and social inclusion sectors to give voice to a diverse range of views and interests within the local government system and participate in policy making and oversight activities.
  • Strengthen the ability of people, groups and organisations to contribute in a positive way to the community in which they reside or are active within.
  • To act as an information hub for local community and voluntary, environmental and social inclusion groups and organisations

The PPN aims to achieve this by providing its member groups with opportunities for networking, learning, communication and sharing of information which leads to participating in local decision making and collective action.

Why join the DLR PPN?

By becoming a PPN Member your organisation can:

  • Take an active role in the policy making and oversight activities of Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council’s areas of responsibility and have a voice in planning for a thriving, inclusive community
  • Nominate PPN members to sit on local authority Boards/Committees as PPN representatives
  • Become part of a Linkage Group – meeting directly and regularly with those representing the PPN on various County Boards and committees
  • Be alerted to opportunities to learn about and feed into policy and plans that may be relevant to your group or organisation
  • Network with, share information and learn from other local community & voluntary, environmental and social inclusion organisations and groups
  • Receive regular information about the work of the PPN and the activities of its member organisations by email, through the PPN website and social media
  • Share and circulate information about your group through the PPN’s communications channels.
  • Engage in activities and events organised by the PPN, such as Plenary meetings or training
  • Take part in training courses and workshops organised by the PPN that support capacity building and development of member organisations
  • Have a say in how the PPN is managed
  • Vote to elect PPN members to the Secretariat
  • Submit and vote on proposals relating to the governance, operation, structure or direction of Dún Laoghaire Rathdown PPN.
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