Glenageary Road Upper Public Consultation


Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, in conjunction with the National Transport Authority, is proposing Active Travel Improvements on Glenageary Road Upper between the Sallynoggin and Killiney Towers Roundabouts.  

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, Active Travel Section, is undertaking a Non-Statutory Public Consultation for the above Scheme and welcomes all submissions and observations on the scheme as proposed. The scheme is being prepared in accordance with Section 38 of the Road Traffic Act 1994. 


Scheme Details 

The main works to be carried out as part of the proposed scheme include the following: 

  • The merging of the existing cycle facilities into a two way cycle facility on the north (sea) side of Glenageary Road Upper. It is also proposed to physically segregate the two way cycle facility from the vehicular lanes  
  • The left turn slip lane from Glenageary Road Upper onto Glenageary Road Lower is being removed and replaced with the two way cycle facility. Traffic counts at this junction noted that this left turn movement is low volume (1.65% of vehicles at this junction) and its removal wont impact the capacity of the junction. The existing island is being modified to provide an overrun area for larger vehicles  
  • A new toucan crossing of Glenageary Road Lower is proposed to provide a safe and segregated option for pedestrians and cyclists  
  • Side road junctions along Glenageary Road Upper are being narrowed in like with the recommendations in DMURS and additional green areas provided where possible  
  • A new toucan crossing is proposed at Rathdown School to cater for school children walking and cycling to the school  

Why your views matter

The Council are seeking views from the public to help inform the scheme design. A Non-Statutory Public Consultation is being held on the scheme from 10th November 2021 to 8th December 2021 (4 weeks)

Submissions and observations can be made via e-mail to [email protected]or submit your views below. 

Observations should be clearly marked ‘Glenageary Road Upper Active Travel Improvements’. 

The closing date for receipt of submissions is 8th December 2021 (12 noon). To read more and submit your views via online survey, please click HERE.

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