DLR Festival of Inclusion: Empowering yourself and others in the Online World, with Cyber Safe Kids.

Date: 13 October 2022

Time: 6: 30 pm to 7: 30 pm

Location: DLR Lexicon Library


‘Cyber Safe Kids’ are running a free seminar and Q&A session on empowering yourself & others in the online world, as part of the dlr Festival of Inclusion.

This session is aimed at parents of children from 8-13 years old and offers a general overview to raise awareness of the main factors to consider around social media, gaming and the online world.

The aim is not to scare parents, but rather to make them aware of what children are doing online and offer practical advice and resources to help participants deepen their knowledge.

Areas of focus are popular apps & protecting privacy, areas of risk, digital wellbeing & critical thinking and useful resources.

The workshop / seminar will take place in the dlr LexIcon Library. This event is FREE but please register your interest to secure a place. at

CyberSafeKids is an Irish charity, which has been empowering children, parents, schools and businesses to navigate the online world in a safer and more responsible way since 2015.

Click Here to Register.

2 Comments on “DLR Festival of Inclusion: Empowering yourself and others in the Online World, with Cyber Safe Kids.”

    • Hello Naomi,
      Unfortunately, we are unable to confirm this as the DLR PPN was not directly involved in organising the event. However, CyberSafe Kids (the moderators of the session) have a website where you can book a session for guardians (online & in- person) as well as resources that provide more information on how to protect yourself and your children online. The Cybersafe website address is https://www.cybersafekids.ie/
      CyberSafe can also be contacted via email at [email protected] or telephone at General Enquiries +353 (0)1 5825421. Additionally, Cybersafe has informational videos on its Youtube Chanel as well as a recording of a ‘Parenting in the Digital Age’ event held last year. You can visit their Youtube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXQOFv_SBI_TDfuYeyToqaQ/videos
      We hope you find this helpful. Thank you.

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