Living Streets Blackrock Village

Living Streets Blackrock Village is a public realm improvement project which aims to enhance the attractiveness, liveability, connectivity and economic vibrancy of Blackrock Village. Building on the temporary measures implemented during the COVID restrictions of summer 2020 on Blackrock Main Street, the plan will move the village from a temporary layout to a high-quality permanent design. The scheme is informed by consultation with local representative businesses and resident groups and independent evaluation of the temporary measures by TU Dublin. It is also consistent with the Blackrock Local Area Plan (LAP) developed in 2015, which was informed by extensive public consultation.

The scheme will replace existing finishes with high-quality permanent materials to create a consistent look and feel for the village. This landscape upgrade will provide better seating, footpaths and planting. The scheme will make it easier and safer to walk and cycle to and within the village with extended pedestrian and cycling infrastructure and enhanced connectivity between Blackrock Main Street, the seafront and its surrounding areas. It complements specific objectives in the Blackrock LAP in relation to future public realm improvements on the seafront.

Du Laoghaire Rathdown County Council are seeking views from the public to help inform the scheme design. A public consultation is being held on the scheme from 28th April to 10th June 2023.

Submissions and observations can be made via e-mail to [email protected] or by logging onto Public Consultation Hub.

Observations should be clearly marked ‘Living Streets Blackrock Village’

The closing date for receipt of submissions is 10th June 2023.

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