DLR County Council – High Security Locks Scheme 2022 for Home Owners 65 years and over

This High-Security Locks Scheme is to support residents 65 years of age and over living in Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown (DLR) with replacing their existing locks in external doors with high-security anti-snap locks. The scheme will cover the total cost for the replacement of lock barrels by LockSafe Locksmiths only (maximum of 2 locks per home – front door / back door/side door) and focus on owner-occupied privately-owned homes in the DLR County Council Administrative area.

Applicants who were not successful under the 2021 High-Security Locks Scheme are most welcome to apply again this year. Although online applications would be preferable, the scheme also welcomes hard copies of application forms. Please contact the Community Section of DLR County Council at (01) 205 4893 if you would like to receive a hard copy of the Application Form and Privacy Statement.

The closing date for receipt of online, email and hardcopy application forms is Friday 9th September 2022 at 5 p.m.

Application Criteria and Application Form Available here. 

2 Comments on “DLR County Council – High Security Locks Scheme 2022 for Home Owners 65 years and over”

    • Hello Anne,
      Thank you for pointing out this problem. The Scheme is being run by the Dun Laoghaire County Council, hence they would be better positioned to explain why the online form does not work. In the meantime, Kindly request a hardcopy by contacting the dlr County Council Community Section on 01 205 4893 or email [email protected]

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