What is a Strategic Policy Committee (SPC)?

The SPCs include members of the local authority, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown PPN representatives and other stakeholders.

The purpose of SPCs is advise and assist the Council in the formulation, development and review of council policy. Council policy lays out how the Council does its job in key areas, for example how it provides services such as housing, planning, transportation, the environment, economic development and recreation/culture.

Strategic Policy Committees give councillors and relevant sectoral interests an opportunity for full involvement in policy-making from the earliest stages.  SPCs make recommendations on policy – however the final decision rests ultimately with the full Council. The Strategic Policy Committees have no responsibility or role in the way operational services are run — such as the delivery of services ie fixing roads or cutting grass.

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council has six Strategic Policy Committees  for 2019-2024. The policy areas they cover  are; Community, Culture and Wellbeing, Economic Development and Enterprise, Environment and Climate Action, Housing, Planning and Citizen Engagement,  Transportation and Marine.

Strategic Policy Committee Scheme 2019-2024 full detail here.

The DLR Strategic Policy Committees for 2019-2024 are:

* Click each section below to reveal information.

The purpose of a Strategic Policy Committee (SPC) is to prepare, develop, monitor and review policies which relate to how Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council carries out its job and to advise the Council accordingly.

The remit of the Community Development, Culture and Ageing SPC in Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown is to deal with policies which relate to:

  • Community Development
  • Positive Ageing
  • Arts
  • Design
  • Heritage
  • Libraries

Click here to see the Community, Culture & Wellbeing SPC Chairpersons Reports 2019-2024.

For further information, you can contact the DLR PPN Manager at [email protected] or 087 639 4506.

Would you like to contact your DLR PPN Representatives?

Pierrot Ngadi – Social Inclusion Pillar
Sheila Grace – Social Inclusion Pillar
Andrew Clinch – Environmental Pillar
Olivia Dunne – Community & Voluntary Pillar
Vacancy – Community & Voluntary Pillar

The purpose of a Strategic Policy Committee (SPC) is to prepare, develop, monitor and review policies which relate to how Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council carries out its job and to advise the Council accordingly.

The remit of the Economic Development and Enterprise SPC in Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown is to deal with policies which relate to:

  • Economic Development
  • Enterprise Support
  • Preparing the economic elements of the Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP)
  • Implementation and oversight of the economic elements of the LECP
  • Oversight of the operation of the Local Enterprise Office (LEO)
  • Tourism Strategy and Twinning

Click here to see the Economic Development and Enterprise SPC Chairpersons Reports 2019-2024.

For further information you can contact the DLR PPN manager at [email protected] or 087 639 4506.

Would you like to contact your DLR PPN Representatives?

Fardus Sultan – Social Inclusion Pillar
Aileen Eglinton- Community & Voluntary Pillar

The purpose of a Strategic Policy Committee (SPC) is to prepare, develop, monitor and review policies which relate to how Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council carries out its job and to advise the Council accordingly.

The remit of the Environment, Climate Change and Energy SPC in Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown is to deal with policies which relate to:

  • Climate Change
  • Flood Risk and Water Quality Management Plan
  • Environment Energy Strategy
  • Waste Management
  • Litter Management Plan
  • Open Spaces, Parks and Coastal Issues
  • Sport
  • Fire Service
  • Control of Animals
  • Burial Grounds

Click here to see the Environment, Climate Change & Energy SPC Chairpersons Reports 2019-2024.

For further information you can contact DLR PPN manager at [email protected] or 087 639 4506.

Would you like to contact your DLR PPN Representatives?

Dervla King – Environmental Pillar
Reji Chacko Jacob – Social Inclusion Pillar
Diarmuid McAree – Environmental Pillar
Elizabeth Clooney – Community & Voluntary Pillar

The purpose of a Strategic Policy Committee (SPC) is to prepare, develop, monitor and review policies which relate to how Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council carries out its job and to advise the Council accordingly.

The remit of the Planning SPC in Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown is to deal with policies which relate to:

  • Building Control
  • Planning and Development
  • Urban Design and Renewal
  • Conservation of Built Environment
  • Energy Standards

Click here to see the Planning & Citizen Engagement SPC Chairpersons Reports SPC 2019-2024.

For further information you can contact DLR PPN manager at [email protected] or 087 639 4506.

Would you like to contact your DLR PPN Representatives?

Brid Meehan – Community and Voluntary Pillar
Micheál Walsh – Environmental Pillar
Ronan Browne – Environmental Pillar
Geraldine Greydon – Social Inclusion Pillar

The purpose of a Strategic Policy Committee (SPC) is to prepare, develop, monitor and review policies which relate to how Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council carries out its job and to advise the Council accordingly.

The remit of the Housing SPC in Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown is to deal with policies which relate to:

  • Design of Social Housing
  • Construction/Refurbishment Programme
  • Homeless Strategy
  • Housing Strategy
  • Traveller Accommodation
  • Allocations/Transfers
  • Estate Management
  • Universal Design
  • Models of Delivery

Click here to see the Social Housing SPC Chairpersons Reports 2019-2024.

For further information you can contact DLR PPN manager at [email protected] or 087 639 4506.

Would you like to contact your DLR PPN Representatives?

Vacancy  – Community and Voluntary Pillar
Maoilíosa Reynolds – Environmental Pillar
David Girvan – Social Inclusion Pillar
PJ Drudy – Social Inclusion Pillar

The purpose of a Strategic Policy Committee (SPC) is to prepare, develop, monitor and review policies which relate to how Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council carries out its job and to advise the Council accordingly.

The remit of the Transportation and County-Wide Movement SPC in Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown is to deal with policies which relate to:

  • Cycling Policy
  • Environmental traffic Planning and Placemaking
  • Pedestrian Facilities
  • Parking
  • Public Transport
  • Roads
  • Road Safety issues and Traffic Management
  • Permeability including coastal areas

Click here to see the Transportation & Marine SPC Chairpersons report 2019-2024.

For further information you can contact DLR PPN manager at [email protected] or 087 639 4506.

Would you like to contact your DLR PPN Representatives?

Joe Varley – Community and Voluntary Pillar
Aaron Moore – Environmental Pillar
Dara Carroll – Social Inclusion Pillar
Emma Cahill – Environmental

What is the role of the PPN Representative?

The role of DLR PPN Representatives is to;

  • Keep DLR PPN members informed about the work of the SPC,
  • Seek DLR PPN member’s input into the work of the SPC and
  • Represent the viewpoints of DLR PPN members to the SPC.

What are the time commitments for being a DLR PPN representative on an SPC?

  • 4 committee meetings per year, 1 per quarter, usually 5pm-7pm on weekdays.
  • Preparation time to read documentation and reports for the committee meeting.
  • Writing up a summary report for DLR PPN members after the meeting (responsibility shared with other DLR PPN representatives on the committee)
  • Linking in with DLR PPN members to feedback and discuss relevant matters – 1 meeting per quarter.
  • Time to put together any policy positions, questions or submissions to the SPC.
  • One-off induction training from DLR County Council.
  • One-off induction training from DLR PPN.
  • Up to 2 DLR PPN representatives meetings a year.
  • Travel expenses covered.


What are the governing documents?

  • Thinking of becoming a DLR PPN Representative? Click here for more information.
  • Click here for the Proposed SPC Policy areas and representatives’ required skills/expertise.
  • Click here for DLR PPN’s Election Policy.
  • Download DLR PPN’s Draft Representatives’ Charter here.
  • Click here for the Draft Strategic Policy Committee Scheme 2019-2024.

If you have any questions about SPC’s or the role of a DLR PPN Representative, please get in touch with the DLR PPN Manager Simone Sav at [email protected] or phone 087 455 7945.

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