What is the Secretariat?

The Secretariat is is the administrative body of the PPN and is elected by the members of the PPN.  Its role is to:

  • Implement decisions made by PPN members at the Plenary.
  • Ensure the the PPN functions in between Plenaries
  • Coordinate the activities of the PPN
  • Communicate regularly with all PPN members and share information concerning PPN activities as widely as possible.
  • Maintain records of PPN business, for example meeting minutes,  and  share meeting agendas.
  • Act as the point of contact for the PPN in relation to the Local Authority, the Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government and other organisations.
  • Deal with all correspondence on behalf of PPN, through distributing copies and drafting agreed responses.
  • Manage the PPN network manager.

Secretariat members are selected from the Community and Voluntary, Social Inclusion and Environmental pillar groups of the PPN. There should be equal representation of all three pillar groups on the Secretariat. See DLR PPN Constitution for further details.

How is the Secretariat elected?

Members of the Secretariat are elected by PPN members at the Plenary. Secretariat members serve a three-year term.
No person may serve more than two consecutive terms on the Secretariat.

Members of DLR PPN Secretariat

If you would like to make contact with the Secretariat please email [email protected] or contact the Network Manager on 087 455 7945

Name Pillar Organisation
Sharon Perry Social Inclusion Southside Women’s Action Network (SWAN)
Vacancy Social Inclusion
Viola Di Bucchianico Social Inclusion DLR Integration Forum
Aileen Eglington Community & Voluntary Kilternan Glenamuck Residents Association
Kay Gleeson Community & Voluntary Sandycove & Glasthule Residents Association
Vacancy Community & Voluntary Dun Laoghaire Active Retirement Association
Vacancy Environment
Bill O’Dea Environment People for Trees (Ireland) Ltd. Crann
Gavin Harte Environment Friends of the Earth
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