Minister for Disability Anne Rabbitte outlines additional respite provision for 2021
- alternative respite services are additional to 9 new respite centres
- Minister ensured innovative use of “time related savings”
- person-centred supports include summer camps, holidays, home from home and other types of service delivery
Minister of State with responsibility for Disability Anne Rabbitte today announced increased alternative respite being provided this year, which will enhance support for service users and their families as part of HSE response to living with COVID-19.
This initiative builds on a government commitment to develop a new centre-based respite facility in each CHO area, 9 in total, to meet the specific needs and priorities within the CHO at a full year cost of cost of €5.5m.
Minster Rabbitte said:
“I am delighted to see such a wide variety of alternative respite being delivered to children and adults with a disability.
“In Budget 2021, the government provided €5.5m for the development of a new centre-based respite facility in each CHO area, to meet the specific needs and priorities within the CHO. I was proud to announce the progress on each of these centres recently, 8 of which are expected to open this year, and the remaining centre will open in early 2022.
“I was also keen to make sure that that the full year allocation was available from January 2021. This allowed for time-related savings to be used on a once off basis to enhance existing respite provision or to provide alternative and outreach respite.
“My goal is to ensure that the full allocation made available from January 2021 is used to enhance respite provision.”
She concluded:
“I have met with many service users, families, and providers, and know how important respite can be for relieving pressure and increasing quality of life. I hope this announcement will highlight the great work carried out by the HSE and service providers in a very challenging time, and in line with public health guidance.”
Alternative respite can be provided in the form of innovative in-home supports, sports or summer camps, holiday, or hotel breaks, and much more, and provides a welcome break or change to service users and eases pressure on families.
Tailored services are provided for service users based on priority need. Services include items such as bespoke holidays, supports for participation in mainstream programmes, Home Share Respite, and other person-centred respite programmes.