Be part of DLR PPN’s New Steering Committee – nominations now open

In 2018 members of DLR PPN will elect a new Secretariat (steering committee) to manage the PPN on their behalf.  Secretariat members provide vision, strategy and leadership for the PPN through a democratic, collaborative and participatory process with PPN members and other stakeholders, such as the Local Authority.

If you or a member of your group or organisation are interested in becoming a member of the DLR PPN Secretariat please read the information sheet below and submit your nomination by Monday the 26th of March 2018

Information sheet for DLR PPN Secretariat Candidates
Online nomination form
Downloadable nomination form

See also the DLR PPN Election Policy

Elections will take place at the next Plenary meeting on Wednesday April 25th 2018, venue to be confirmed. If you have any questions please contact network manager Laura Howe on 087 6394506 or email [email protected]

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