Carrickmines Shanganagh River Flood Relief Scheme

The Carrickmines Shanganagh catchment was identified in the Eastern CFRAM Study Area as part of the Loughlinstown AFA. The majority of the areas affected by the 1% AEP flood event are urbanised, primarily residential but also with commercial usage. The Eastern CFRAM proposed a combinations of measures along the Carrickmines and Shanganagh catchments including flood walls, increased channel conveyance, channel diversions, embankments, flood storage and bridge and culvert upgrades. The Eastern CFRAM Study Area concluded that a flood relief scheme would be viable and effective for the community.

There have been certain instances of flooding along the Carrickmines and Shanganagh catchments in recent years, such as the event on the 24th October 2011, which flooded properties on Commons Road and Loughlinstown in the environs of Cherrywood Road. Major improvements to the flood defence regime are required to try to prevent re-occurrences of such flood events. With this in mind, Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council, along with project partners the OPW, have appointed JB Barry Consulting Engineers and JBA Consulting to review and develop the Eastern CFRAM study and design an appropriate viable, cost-effective and sustainable flood relief scheme which aims to minimise risk to human beings, the existing community, social amenity, environment and landscape character.

Residents, businesses and interested parties are invited to attend the Virtual Public Engagement Event for the Carrickmines Shanganagh River Flood Relief Scheme. Due to current Covid-19 restrictions, this public engagement event will be held online. They will update you on the progress to date and how you can take part in the scheme development  They would like to hear about your experiences of flooding in the past and are interested in you sharing with us your photos/videos of previous flooding. 

You can log in to the project website from the 6th of October to view the presentation and visuals made available and provide feedback to the project team. Contact by email at [email protected]

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