Óg Ógras Baile an tSaoir looking for activities facilitators

Óg Ógras Baile an tSaoir held its first session on Jan 12th 2018 and is successful up and running to maximum capacity with 40 youths between the ages of 11 and […]

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Dunleary Lifeboat Restoration Project

The Dunleary Lifeboat Restoration Project is moving along at a pace. At the moment the boat is stored in the boat yard in the Coal Harbour Dun Laoghaire. It can […]

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Training Links Programme, 2018 – 2019 | The Wheel

Training Links offers funding or grants to networks of organisations that come and work together to address their shared training needs. The Wheel is now inviting applications for funding under […]

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Dublin Rural LEADER Funding

Eligible areas in Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown are Tibradden and Glencullen. For more information visit http://dublinruralleader.ie/overview-area/

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Regional Festivals and Events Grants 2018 | Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council

Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council has received a small amount of funding from Fáilte Ireland to support a number of regional festivals and participative events in 2018.  This grant scheme is […]

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Be part of DLR PPN’s New Steering Committee – nominations now open

In 2018 members of DLR PPN will elect a new Secretariat (steering committee) to manage the PPN on their behalf. Nominations for candidates are now open.

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Connecting for Life: Suicide Prevention Training

The Connecting for Life, Action Plan for Dublin South East, Dún Laoghaire and East Wicklow has a range of suicide prevention training opportunities available in Community Healthcare East area. The aim […]

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Vacancy for PPN representative for the Social Housing Strategic Policy Committee

A vacancy has arisen on Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council’s Social Housing Strategic Policy Committee for a representative of the Social Inclusion pillar of the Public Participation Network (PPN).    PPN member groups from […]

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Engage & Educate Fund 2018 | Social Innovation Fund

The Engage & Educate Fund is open to projects that empower people through education to achieve their full potential and to contribute to their community. The objective of the fund […]

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The Story of Your Stuff – competition for young people

The Story of Your Stuff is all about thinking about where your stuff comes from and becoming more aware of the the life cycle of products and the transformations they […]

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DLR Additional Needs looking for new committee members

We are a New and Exciting Community Group. We are urgently looking for New and Dedicated Committee members to join us. If you are a parent, retired, or would like to […]

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Music In Monkstown Chamber Music Festival 7th – 9th September

The fifth Music In Monkstown Chamber Music Festival will be held over the weekend of 7th – 9th September next. It started as a glimpse of an idea by our […]

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Mail Boat Leinster Centenary

The centenary book marking the loss of the Dún Laoghaire to Holyhead Mail Boat just one month before the end of  World War 1,  proved extremely popular as a Christmas […]

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Accessible Streets for All

The DLR Disability Consultation Group, in association with Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, An Garda Síochána and the Irish Wheelchair Association produced this guide to Accessible Streets for All as part […]

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Social Innovation Fund : Resilient Communities

The Resilient Communities Fund will provide critical supports to projects focused on making communities across Ireland safer, healthier, and more vibrant places to live

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The United Nations Democracy Fund

The United Nations Democracy Fund invites civil society organisations to submit proposals for funding for projects to advance and support democracy.

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VOICE Ireland Recycling Workshops 2018

Confused about what you can and cannot recycle in your recycling bin? VOICE Ireland are offering free recycling workshops to community groups…

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DLREMI Forum looking for new committee members

DLR Ethnic Minority Integration Forum are seeking people from ethnic communities and organisations to join their Committee in 2018.

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Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy (RSES): Consultation

The RSES will identify the Eastern and Midland region’s key strategic assets, opportunities and challenges and set out policy responses to ensure that people’s needs – such as access to housing, jobs, ease of travel and overall well-being – are met, up to 2030 and beyond.

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Developing the Potential of Social Enterprise in Ireland: Consultation 

This online consultation seeks views that will inform the development of a National Policy on Social Enterprise, Ireland’s first major policy on social enterprise.

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Collaboration for Change

Collaboration for CHANGE! : citizen participation in the design and delivery of public services & spaces.

Wednesday 1st November, 10am-1pm, dlr Lexicon, Haigh Terrace, Dun Laoghaire. This FREE half-day event will explore examples of citizen collaboration in the design of public services and spaces. It will […]

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DLR PPN Social Housing Interest Group meeting

  On Monday 21st of August DLR PPN held a meeting about Social Housing in DLR for PPN members and representatives on the Social Housing Strategic Policy Committee. At the […]

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Local Waters in Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown – update from 4th July Public Meeting

Over the past 2 months the Local Authority Waters & Communities Office has been running public meetings in the Greater Dublin Area in order to give local communities an opportunity […]

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