Not sure if you are registered to vote in the General Election on February 8th?

In order to vote at the General Election on the 8th February you must be registered on the Register of Electors 2019/2020 You are eligible to vote in the General Election:- […]

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Open Consultation on the dlr County Development Plan 2022 – 2028

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown (dlr) are embarking on the process of reviewing the current Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Development Plan, 2016-2022, and preparing a new County Development Plan (CDP) that will shape the […]

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Public Consultation on the Draft National Marine Planning Framework

The Draft NMPF is Ireland’s first marine planning framework and it applies to a broad range of marine activities including aquaculture, offshore renewable energy, sea fisheries and tourism. It provides […]

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National Disability Inclusion Strategy Consultation Process – 13th November

The National Disability Inclusion Strategy (NDIS) 2017 – 2021 is the key framework for policy and action to address the needs of people with disabilities. Its overarching objective is to […]

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Sustainability Linkage Group meeting – Thursday, 14th November

Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown PPN is the designated body to nominate community, environmental and social inclusion representation onto various dlr County Council structures, including the Strategic Policy Committees. Linkage Groups are the […]

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Summary of DLR PPN Plenary Meeting 15th October 2019

DLR PPN held its Autumn Plenary meeting on Tuesday October 15th from 7pm to 9pm in the Royal Marine Hotel, Dun Laoghaire. 69 people attended.  The welcome and overview of […]

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Consultation workshops for DLR PPN members on the dlr Corporate Plan 2020-20

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council are inviting members of DLR PPN to take part in a consultation workshop on the new dlr Corporate Plan 2020-2024. The Corporate Plan sets out the […]

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Re(al) Productive Justice: Gender and Disability Perspectives

Re(al) Productive Justice are interested in talking with people with disabilities who are over 18 who have experienced difficulties on the basis of disability or a mental health diagnosis when […]

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Plenary meeting for DLR PPN – Tuesday, October 15th 2019

Our next Plenary meeting will be on Tuesday October 15th in the Royal Marine Hotel, Dun Laoghaire, from 6:45pm to 9:30pm. As well as being an opportunity to network with other members, be […]

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Festival of Inclusion

The Festival of Inclusion is an event organised by Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council which will run from Friday 4th to Saturday 12th of October 2019. The theme of this year’s […]

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Public Consultation on An Bord Pleanála’s ‘fast track’ of Strategic Housing Developments

The Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government is holding a public consultation reviewing the planning provisions regarding Strategic Housing Developments. This is the provision that enables fast-track planning applications for […]

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Public Sector Equality and Human Rights Duty

The Public Sector Equality and Human Rights Duty (‘the Duty’) is a document which places a statutory obligation on public bodies to eliminate discrimination, promote equality of opportunity and protect […]

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dlr Digital Strategy consultation workshops for DLR PPN members

dlr County Council is beginning a round of public engagement to help inform Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown’s new Digital Strategy. A Digital Strategy sets out strategic goals and objectives to make the […]

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Nominations open for DLR PPN representatives on the Joint Policing Committee

The current three year term for DLR PPN’s representatives on the Joint Policing Committee (JPC) has ended and DLR PPN members must elect representatives for the next three year term. […]

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Shanganagh Park Master Plan Consultation

Shanganagh Park is a very important suburban park located on the edge of the county and surrounded by extensive greenbelt lands. The current extent of Shangangh Park features c.36 hectares […]

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Festival of Inclusion – Submission of proposals now open

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council will host the Festival of Inclusion from Friday 4th to Saturday 12th of October 2019. The theme of this year’s Festival is “Celebrating the Generations”. Submission of […]

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Volunteer with Crisis Text Line

Crisis Text Line is seeking to recruit 300 volunteers in advance of its launch later this year. Crisis Text Line is Ireland’s first free 24/7 text service for anyone in […]

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Consultation on use of revenues raised from increases in Carbon Tax

The Consultation on the options for the use of revenues raised from increases in Carbon Tax is now open for submissions. The purpose of the Consultation is to ascertain the views […]

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Draft National Risk Assessment 2019 open for public consultation

The Government has published the Draft National Risk Assessment and is calling for members of the public to give their views about what they regard as the most significant risks […]

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The benefits of Public Participation

At the dlr Age Well Expo on Sunday the 9th of June, Laura Howe, DLR PPN manager gave a presentation about Public Participation and its benefits. This article is based […]

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Draft dlr segregation, storage and presentation of household and commercial waste Bye-laws

Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council proposes to make new Bye-Laws to regulate and control the Segregation, Storage and Presentation of Household and Commercial Waste within its functional area. It is […]

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Nominations open for DLR PPN representatives on the Local Community Development Committee

The current three year term for DLR PPN’s Environmental Pillar representative and one of DLR PPN’s Community and Voluntary Pillar representatives on the Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) has ended. DLR PPN members […]

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Street Feast taking place on Sunday 4th of May, as part of the National Community Weekend

Street Feast is taking place on Sunday 5th May which is one month earlier than usual. This is to coincide with a new initiative,  The Department of Rural & Community Development have […]

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DLR County Councils’ Draft Climate Change Action Plan

On Monday 11th February, the Council will publish its draft Climate Change Action Plan for public consultation. It will set out how the Council will improve energy efficiency and reduce […]

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