Cocooning – Some resources for older cocooners and those assisting them.

Digital Literacy Skills

The Age Action Getting Started Keep In Touch (KIT) is a national learning initiative to help older people improve their digital literacy skills, so they are more connected, informed and supported particularly during periods of social distancing. The Getting Started KIT will also help people who have digital literacy skills to become Digital Champions – they can use the KIT to tutor someone who needs help.  For more information click here.

Cocooning Video
This is a link to a video explaining cocooning

Fitness 15 will be hosted Monday to Friday at 2.20 PM on with Ray Lally and Dáithí Ó Sé
In support of people cocooning at this time, RTE has launched a 15 minute programme to help older people to keep active at home. It will be broadcast daily on RTÉ One at 2.20pm. It will help viewers who are at home and some in self-isolation or cocooning and will offer tips, especially to older viewers, on how to keep healthy and happy.

Chairobics – Getting Active for Better Health
This link is to a chair aerobics exercise plan with 4 different levels to choose from based on the current level of activity. Click Here.

Old Dublin Town – visit this web site for a trip down memory lane with information on Dublin, its characters Bang Bang and Brendan Behan, the Swastika Laudry and more.  See images of Dublin through the years.

Give up Yer Aul Sins! – In the 1960s, recordings were made of children in Rutland Street School retelling stories from the Bible. In the year 2000, Brown Bag Films animated the recordings into short films and were nominated for an Oscar.

Online Games
Chess: Learn to play or play chess here, you can play with or without hints.  You don’t have to sign up for an account unless you want to connect with online players.
To play a variety of  games such as Sudoku, Bridge and Solitaire. Try 247 games this link brings you to the section Popular Games.

Resources for people with dementia, their families and carers
Online resources for people dementia, their families and carers and a booklet of activities which can be carried out at home have also been added.

Irish sign language videos
Irish Sign Language videos are available online here. There are five videos, each covering a different section of the COVID-19 information booklet.

Supports for older people

Community Call Helpline
DunLaoghaire Rathdown Ph:01 2713199 For collection and delivery of essential items such as food and medicine.  For support if experiencing social isolation or are cocooning.  Your local forum works with the State agencies and community and voluntary groups to provide supports or services to any vulnerable person who needs them,
Alone provide a COVID-19 support line for older people
Call 0818 222 024 (from 8am to 8pm, seven days a week)
The Alzheimer Society of Ireland 
Practical information and emotional support or information on supports and services
Freephone 1800 341 341 (Monday to Friday from 10am to 5pm and Saturday from 10am to 4pm) or email [email protected]
The Dementia Resource Hub provides sign-posting to web-based reliable information and on-line resources for people with dementia, families and carers
Visit or for more information
Confidential listening service for older people provided by trained older volunteers
Call 1800 804 591 (lines are open every day from 10am to 10pm)
Visit for more information
Age Friendly Ireland
Age Friendly Ireland have a compiled a list of all Local Authority Community Response Forums, and their contact helpline numbers – these are available to support vulnerable members of communities affected by COVID-19 restrictions
Visit Age Friendly Ireland for more information and access their daily newsletter here

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