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Communities Integration Fund 2024

The purpose of the Communities Integration Fund 2024 is to support communities across Ireland to play a greater role in promoting the integration of migrants. A total of €500,000 is available in 2024 to local community based organisations to carry out integration projects in their local area. Organisations eligible to apply include local community groups, sports clubs, faith-based groups, arts groups, cultural organisations, and schools. Applicant organisations must operate on a not-for-profit basis.

This funding can be used for both once-off initiatives and short to medium term projects. Projects should take an inclusive approach, aiming to bring migrants and host communities together. The maximum amount that may be granted to projects under CIF 2024 is €5,000. Please note that as capital expenditure must only amount to a very minor part of the overall expenditure capital expenditure must not exceed 10% of the overall project cost. Funding cannot be used for the provision of prize money, vouchers or monetary equivalents. The grant awarded is non-transferable.

Please note that applications from Local Authorities, International Protection accommodation service providers, and individuals acting alone are not eligible for CIF.

Themes for 2024

Projects under the following themes will be considered:

1. Intercultural Awareness – A project that brings host communities and migrant communities together to celebrate each other’s cultures and customs.
2. Combating Racism and Xenophobia – A project aimed at preventing racism and xenophobia among local communities.
3. Sport & Community Games – A project to facilitate local migrant integration by encouraging migrants to get involved in sport.
4. Arts – A project to encourage social interaction between migrants and members of their local communities, through arts and crafts, music, dance, theatre and literature.
5. Food/Cuisine – A project to promote interculturalism and integration through the sharing of different cuisines and cooking methods.
6. Community Events – A project to adapt existing community activities or events to make them more inclusive of migrants.
7. Capacity Building – A project with a social inclusion focus that seeks to help particularly vulnerable groups of migrants overcome specific difficulties (e.g. job-seeking skills, social
media skills, IT skills, English language skills).
8. Employment – A project offering employment advice and/or opportunities, e.g. through sponsorship by local businesses for training, skills assessment, placements, etc.
9. School aged projects – A project focused on the educational needs of migrants through provision of additional supports e.g. to help migrant children to maximise the benefit of their school attendance (e.g. homework clubs).
10. Migrant Women – A project assisting migrant women to integrate into Irish society.

Target Groups

The purpose of the Communities Integration Fund 2024 is to support communities across Ireland to play a greater role in promoting the integration of migrants and their children. As the Fund is intended to promote the integration of migrants and host communities, applicants are required to explain how the proposed project will bring migrants and host communities together.

Project activities must be additional to the usual business of the applicant organisation.

Grant Available
Grants may range from €1,000 up to a maximum of €5,000, depending on the size and nature of the project. All applicants must have an active bank account in the name of the organisation, and Tax
Clearance Certificate, or a Charity Number at the time of application.

Projects must commence before 31 December 2024 and must be completed no later than 30 June 2025. Projects failing to observe these dates will be deemed ineligible, and funding must be returned
to the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.

Deadline for applications 8th of May 2024. Read more here

Closing Date:
May 8, 2024

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