Community and Volunteer Awards 2024 nominations now open!

Communit Award 2024

Nominations are now open for this year’s Community & Volunteer Awards.  Nominations can be submitted on behalf of a local group, organisation and/or an individual volunteer in your area for an award.

Please note the closing date for nominations is 3rd April 2024 at 5pm.

All winners will be announced at the Community & Volunteer Awards Ceremony taking place on the 24th April 2024 in The Talbot Hotel, Stillorgan.

Submit an online nomination or return completed forms by email to [email protected] or by post to: Community and Volunteer Awards, Community and Cultural Development Department, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, County Hall, Marine Road, Dún Laoghaire, Co Dublin, A96K6C9

To read more and apply, please click HERE

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