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“Connecting Communities”: PPN Members Invited to Host Local Events for the Festival of Inclusion 6th-14th October

Each year Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council hosts the Festival Of Inclusion. The Festival is about encouraging and supporting communities to engage and collaborate with each other on areas of work and activities of mutual interest. In particular, the festival encourages and supports activities which involve vulnerable or marginalised communities . This year the Festival of Inclusion will run from the 6th to the 14th October inclusive . The theme for this years festival is “Connecting Communities,”  and your community is invited to host a local event of your own during this  week.

If your community is interested in hosting a local event and would like to be included on the promotional brochure please complete the Event Application Form as soon as possible.  If possible, please fill the form in on your computer and then save the file using the file name  “community group name_foi2017.doc”

for example : joe bloggs_foi2017.doc

When you have completed the form please send the saved file back to

Just a note regarding the description and contact details

  • Please note if you provide contact details on the form they will be included in the brochure.
  • Please write a very brief description of the event in the space provided (one or two lines only)   – this text will be included in the brochure
  • Please provide the exact time and locations of your event  and confirm whether or not  that the event is open to the general public.

Finally,  in order to be included in the  Festival Of Inclusion Brochure completed forms should be returned by the 4th August

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