Consultation With Public Participation Networks – Public Library Strategy 2018-2022

The Department of Housing Planning, Community and Local Government, in conjunction with the Local Government Management Agency and the Libraries Development Committee, has commenced the development of a new 5 year strategy for the public library service in Ireland.  As part of their early consultation on developing the new strategy, they have invited Public Participation Networks to give some feedback on the progress of the Strategy developed to date – this is in advance of a more detailed public consultation which will take place in the Autumn.

Libraries are an important resource and civic space for individuals and communities and so it is important that the strategy caters to the changing needs of communities. PPN members are asked for their observations on the 3 thematic programmes  and the 6 underpinning elements needed to deliver these programmes. More information about these can be found in the Draft Strategy Outline Form below.

Key questions are:

1. Do you feel the Thematic Programmes outlined would cover the most important services provided by libraries in your locality?

2. If not, what others in your opinion could be explored and pursued?

3. Is this likely to change significantly over the period 2018-2022?

4. Do you have any other comments/suggestions on the proposed strategy?

Please use the Draft Strategy Outline Form to submit your observations to [email protected].ie Deadline for submissions is Friday 28th of July

If you need printed copies of this form, or have any questions, please contact DLR PPN manager Laura Howe at [email protected] or call 087 6394506


2 Comments on “Consultation With Public Participation Networks – Public Library Strategy 2018-2022”

  • Because of the format of the document, I cannot open the file,otherwise I would give my views but as a bit of a technical Luddite, I cannot convert the file from DOC to a readable format

    • Hi Mona,

      I just added the form to the post above. Click on the ‘pop out’ button in the top right of the form and you should be able to download it, or at least be able to read it and email them back your response.


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