Dalkey Active Retirement Association (DARA)

DARA is the active retirement association for people who are retired and/or over the age of 55 living in Dalkey, Co. Dublin and surrounding areas. The objective of the Association is to provide a focal point for active people who are in that age group, to meet and take part in social, educational, cultural and sporting activities. DARA is a non-party political and non-sectarian organisation.

We have over 400 active members who meet through a broad range of activities, including:

  • Aerobics
  • Garden Clubs
  • Art Classes
  • Hill Walking
  • Book Clubs
  • Irish Language
  • Bowling
  • Italian Language
  • Bridge
  • Local Walks
  • Choir
  • Poetry of Our Time
  • Craft Group
  • Spanish Language
  • Creative Writing
  • Tai Chi
  • Flower Arranging
  • Theatre Group
  • French Language
  • Musical Theatre
  • Outings

We also have talks by guest speakers on matters of interest to members, as well as Holiday Breaks in Ireland.
If you would like more information about DARA or to apply for membership, please email [email protected]

6 Comments on “Dalkey Active Retirement Association (DARA)”

  • I would like to join Dara. I am a member of Dalkey Tidy Towns and I live in Dalkey.

    Miriam English

  • My elderly mother is interested in joining the DARA choir. She has a great voice, can read music and indeed used to adjudicate at choir competitions years ago. I would also be interested in learning about other activities for her. My mother live on Arnold Grove, Glenageary. Thank you.

    • Hello Emer,
      Thanks for getting in touch.

      If you would like to join the Dalkey Active Retirement Association (DARA), please email [email protected]

      Also, you can speak to DLR Social Prescribing for details concerning other activities that your mother might be interested in.

      Hope this helps.

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