Dance Theatre of Ireland Classes – Well Dance for Seniors, those with Parkinsons & Dementia

In addition to a programme of 24 classes for children, adults, and teens, including Contemporary, Salsa, Hip Hop, Ballroom, Ballet, Yoga and Musical Theatre, Dance Theatre of Ireland also have weekly classes for those over 55, and for those with Parkinson or Dementia

Well Dance for Seniors at DTI

Every Tuesday & Wednesday at 11am there is a morning Modern Well-Dance for Seniors (over 50s) class (Ring 01 280 3455 or [email protected] to register). All welcome!

Well Dance for Seniors in SHANKILL

Classes are starting up on Wednesdays 1:45-3pm at the Shankill Tennis Club from January 24th. YOU are welcome to attend, ring for more information or to register! 01 280 3455 or [email protected]

Dancing well with Parkinsons & Dementia:

Classes for those with Dementia or Parkinsons continue at

  • Dancing Well with Parkinson’s Dance Theatre of Ireland, Dun Laoghaire Fri 11-12:30
  • Dancing Well with Dementia Holy Family, Bakers Corner Wed 1:45-3pm

Ring Dance Theatre of Ireland on 01-280 3455 or email [email protected] for more information, or if you would like to set up a Well-Dance for ages 55+ class in your community.

Check out a full page in the Irish Times and Sunday Independent about our programmes or see our website:

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