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DLR Creative Ireland Bursaries ‘Enabling Creativity in Every Community’

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council is inviting applications for Creative Ireland Bursaries under the theme ‘Enabling Creativity in Every Community’.

These bursaries will offer the opportunity for local communities and organisations to lead on creative projects in their own area. They will celebrate the engagement of local communities and allow new and exciting opportunities for people to get involved in a diverse variety of creative activities.

Awarded bursaries will be between €2,000 and €4,000, a minimum of one will be awarded in each of Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown’s six electoral areas.

The bursaries may be for any creative activity but must respond to Creative Ireland pillar number 2 which is: 

Enabling Creativity in Every Community

Bursaries are available for activity taking place from September to December 2018.

More information and applications at

Deadline is Wednesday 6th of June

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