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Dublin Climate Action Week

Discover what’s happening during Dublin Climate Action Week from 9th to 15th September 2024


Dublin Climate Action Week (#DCAW24) is back for 2024, and we are excited to announce that the week’s event programme and online registration is now available.

Building on the success of previous years, a great variety of events are planned to take place across Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown throughout the week, which will run from the 9th to 15th of September. Events will range from nature walks, workshops to advise businesses and individuals on grants and reducing energy bills or learning to love leftover food, to a wetsuit swap shop, a WEEE recycling event and lots of other ways to connect with your local community and have fun!

Climate Action remains a priority at local and national government levels and there is a strong focus on community engagement and action implementation within each of the local authority Climate Action Plans 2024-2029. Dublin Climate Action Week seeks to showcase some of the great climate impact reduction work taking place across Dublin City and County.

Communities and businesses are coming out to support Dublin Climate Action Week, with over 45 public events scheduled to take place throughout the city and county. Find out what is happening in your local area and get involved in Dublin Climate Action Week 2024 using the #DCAW24 hashtag on social media, and by visiting


Dublin Climate Action Week 2024 is being organised and delivered by the partnership of Dublin City Council, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, Fingal County Council, South Dublin County Council, Codema – Dublin’s Energy Agency and the Dublin Climate Action Regional Office.

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