Environmental Noise Action Plan Consultation

Dún Laoghaire–Rathdown County Council is currently preparing a ‘Noise Action Plan’ for the county. This strategic plan will cover environmental noise from traffic and heavy/light rail. An online consultation to inform the Action Plan is underway at  https://dlrcoco.citizenspace.com/transportation/preparation-of-an-environmental-noise-action-plan/

The main purpose of the Noise Action Plan is to:

  • Inform and consult the public about noise exposure, its effects, and the measures which may be considered to address noise problems.
  • Address strategic noise issues by drawing up an action plan to manage noise issues and their effects.
  • To reduce noise where possible and maintain environmental acoustic quality in areas where it is of good quality.

The closing date for receipt of submissions is May 28th 2018 at 12 noon.

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