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Survey on the Draft PPN Implementation Roadmap

An independent Structural Review of the PPNs was carried out in 2021/2022. It recommended a number of actions to make PPN structures work more effectively.

A Working Group was created to consider these recommendations, representing PPN staff and volunteers, as well as government officials and the community sector. This group has developed a draft Implementation Roadmap drawing on the recommendations as well as actions suggested by members of the PPN community. The actions listed are not final at this time.

The Department of Community and Rural Development (DRCD), in collaboration with the Working Group, has now commissioned Crowe to conduct a consultation on the draft Implementation Roadmap.

As a first step, you are invited to read the Draft PPN Implementation Roadmap, which can be downloaded here, and to take part in a survey on it.

Crowe have developed the survey to give all those involved in or with PPNs an opportunity to have their say on the draft Roadmap. Feedback from this survey will be used to help finalise the Roadmap.

The survey is accessible at the following link:


The survey is open for response until Friday 1st September 2023, inclusive.

September 1, 2023
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