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Festival of Inclusion – Submission of proposals now open

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council will host the Festival of Inclusion from Friday 4th to Saturday 12th of October 2019. The theme of this year’s Festival is “Celebrating the Generations”. Submission of proposals in now open.

DLR hopes to promote greater understanding of opportunities for the different generations to come together, to engage, respect and demonstrate what each generation has to offer.  By learning from, and respecting other generations, communities will be strengthened and become more cohesive.

Ideally proposals will involve bringing the generations together around a topic, event or community development initiative where there is an opportunity to connect, engage and celebrate what the generations can do to support community well-being and promote social inclusion and diversity. 

An Expression of Interest form can be found here, with the deadline for return being Friday the 19th July.

If you have any further questions, please contact Mary White at any stage on email: or telephone: 01 204 7229.

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