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Go for Life Grants – Age & Opportunity

What is the Go for Life Grants Scheme?

The Go for Life Grant Scheme offers financial supports – provided by Sport Ireland – to local clubs, groups and organisations, nationwide who promote increased participation in recreational sport or physical activity for older people.

How does it work?

This national grant scheme aims to assist in the implementation of locally-developed, well-planned activity and sport initiatives. In particular, the scheme is aimed at:

  • Supporting the work of Go for Life including the network of PALs (Physical Activity Leaders) and the development of Go for Life Games and other initiatives;
  • Assisting local clubs/organisations to enhance existing opportunities for their members in recreational sport and physical activity;
  • Assisting local clubs/organisations to start new initiatives geared at involving older people in recreational sport and physical activity.

In 2018, €300,000 was awarded in grants all over Ireland. Each grant awarded ranged between €140 and €1,400 with the average grant being €290.

What will be awarded?
  • Physical Activity Programme: Grants awarded to support a planned series of physical activity sessions for older people. For example, (1) a five-week programme to introduce older people to an activity such as Aerobics, Aquafit, Tai Chi or Tennis. The cost of hall hire and a qualified instructor might form part of the overall cost.
  • Purchase of Equipment / Resource Materials: Grants will be awarded to assist the purchase of physical activity equipment, for example, Go for Life Games equipment, Pitch and Putt set, physical activity kitbag, badminton rackets.
  • Participation Events: Grants will be awarded to those who need financial assistance to participate or organise physical activity events for older people. For example, organising regular Go for Life Games or a Sportsfest aimed at introducing older adults to a range of recreational sports.
How can I get involved?

The Go for Life Grant Scheme is now open for applications. Deadline Friday 27th of September.

More info at: Go for Life Grants – Age & Opportunity

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