Hardship Fund for Older People – Deadline Friday 24th April, 5:00pm

Age Action and Irish Red Cross COVID-19 Hardship Fund

What: Age Action has launched a COVID-19 Hardship Fund in conjunction with the Irish Red Cross to respond to the immediate needs of older people in vulnerable situations across Ireland experiencing additional hardship as a result of the COVID-19 health crisis.

Why: Age Action and the Irish Red Cross know that some older people in vulnerable situation and at the highest risk of the corona virus will need additional supports over the coming weeks, particularly as they are now required to cocoon to protect themselves and others. This scheme is designed to provide immediate practical relief to assist in alleviating the hardships they experience due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

How: Age Action and the Irish Red Cross has raised funds to provide additional assistance to older and vulnerable people around Ireland who are experiencing hardship as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic by making once-off grants, up to a maximum of €500, per person/household affected.

Who can Apply? Older people in need of assistance, or individual advocates of older people. Note: In order for an application to be processed the signature and contact details of the older people must be on the application for verification. The applicant must be over 65, or, if applying on behalf of someone over 65 the details of how the fund will benefit the older person must be provided.

What Can be Applied for? Any practical needs arising from additional costs that have arisen from Covid-19. Examples would be higher heating costs, food delivery and storage costs, technology to see loved ones during COVID-19. Note: applications will be strengthened when a detailed cost breakdown is provided.

How Do I Apply: The COVID-19 Hardship Fund Application Form is available HERE or you can contact our offices to request a form by contacting us at;

Email: [email protected]

Phone: Irish Red Cross at 01 6424600 or Age Action at 01 475 6989

Please ensure that you clearly outline the need for which you are applying, how the grant will alleviate hardship and what it will be used for and details of the costs (up to a maximum of €500).

What Happens Next: Age Action and the Irish Red Cross will assess applications and oversee distribution of funds on a weekly basis and successful applicants will be notified as soon as possible.

A member of staff from Age Action or the Irish Red Cross will contact you if they need further information.

We will ask that you verify that the funds are used for the purpose intended by supplying receipts and photographic evidence where possible.

When Can I Apply? Due to the extent of enquires and applications, response times will be delayed and the closing date for receipt of applications has been brought forward to Friday 24 April. We will process and assess all applications received up to 5pm Friday 24 April. If you have a time stamp dated 24 April on your envelope, we will accept this.

What Happens To Surplus Funds: Any remaining surplus funds will be used by Age Action & the Irish Red Cross to provide important supports to older people throughout Ireland.

Governance Reporting: A final report on the use of the fund will be provided to the Boards of Age Action & the Irish Red Cross.


For more information, please click here.

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