Information on ‘How To Vote’ from An Coimisiún Toghcháin

Since the establishment of An Coimisiún Toghcháin, one of the most rewarding parts of their remit has been getting the opportunity to meet with a variety of organisations, networks and community groups and getting their insights on voter engagement and participation.

They have learned from these interactions that the process of voting can be unclear or confusing for many. With this in mind they have developed the below ’How to Vote’ video, which describes the process from arrival at the polling station to casting your vote.  The aim of the video is to help instruct new voters on the whole experience of voting, how it will look and feel. However, the video is not only for new voters. In the last Local and European elections there was a significant amount of spoilt or invalid votes. This video should also help reduce this number by confirming exactly how to vote for people who already participate.

An Coimisiún Toghcháin is aware of the brilliant work undertaken by the PPN network across the country so we reached out with a wonderful resource they produced to help ensure that people are voting correctly. They have also included a link to information on accessible voting on the Coimisiún’s website.


Introduction/context by Art O’Leary, CEO An Coimisiún Toghcháín, The Electoral Commission:


How to Vote:


Accessible Voting Information:


It is important not to make assumptions about who already knows how to vote. Take the opportunity to share this resource widely with your networks – groups, organisations, individual who may be interested. An Coimisiún will include this video as part of our national information campaign in the weeks preceding 7 June to ensure that as many people as possible have access to this information.

We hope that you find this useful, and if you have any questions, comments or suggestions please contact [email protected].


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