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Please complete the Online Form below to apply for DLR PPN membership. Alternatively, you can download the application form as a  PDF  and email it to The applicant must provide a copy of their group’s “Constitution and minutes of their most recent AGM and/or most recent committee meeting”  These should be emailed to at the time of submitting the application.  Without these documents, the Secretariat will be unable to consider the application.


Who can join DLR PPN?

All volunteer led, not-for-profit community groups active within Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown are encouraged to become members of the PPN.

The national guidelines define the types of groups that can register for the PPN structure as follows:

  • Environmental – Organisations whose primary activities are environmental protection and/or environmental sustainability.
  • Social Inclusion – Organisations whose activities focus on social inclusion, social justice and/or equality. Examples include organisations which aim to support people with a disability, refugees and asylum seekers, older people, women, young people and those living in poverty.
  • Community & Voluntary – Any organisation whose primary activities are other than those listed above belong in this category.

Membership is open to groups and organisations who:

  • Operate on a not-for-profit basis.
  • Are volunteer led. Organisations may have paid staff, but must be under voluntary control.
  • Have at least 6 members and are open to new members.
  • Are in existence for at least six months.
  • Have a members meeting at least once a year.
  • Have a postal address or a local branch network in Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown.
  • Are actively providing a service to Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown citizens or are advocating on behalf of DLR citizens.
  • Are independently run, having their own constitution/ governing document/ set of rules for operation.
  • Do not already have representational rights through other pillars of social partnership e.g. trade unions, business organisations.
  • Are non party-political.

Groups or organisations who do not meet these criteria at the time of application can apply for associate membership. Associate members cannot nominate PPN representatives to sit on boards or committees or vote in PPN elections.

Criteria for Membership:

  • Groups joining Dun Laoghaire Rathdown Public Participation agree to uphold and abide by its Constitution.
  • Member Organisations should be in existence for at least six months, should have at least six registered members, should have a committee and should have held an AGM;
  • Member Organisations must abide with the aims, objectives and principles set out in Sections 3 and 4 of the DLR PPN Constitution;
  • Member Organisations must carry out their activities in an open and transparent manner;
  • Member Organisations must have a base in and/or be active in Dún Laoghaire Rathdown;
  • Member Organisations must complete and return a membership application form, together with their constitution and minutes of their most recent AGM and/or most recent committee meeting;
  • Because of the separation of the functions of public representatives and the PPN, councillors, TDs, Senators, and MEPs should not be the PPN contact point for member organisations (Ref: Section 6 of the PPN Handbook);
  • Organisations, which at the time of application, meet all other criteria except some element(s) of sections 5.1 and/or 5.4 may apply for Associate Membership;
  • Associate Member Organisations do not have the power to make nominations, or have voting rights, but can put forward motions;
  • An organisation’s membership of the PPN may be reviewed or withdrawn by the Dún Laoghaire Rathdown Public Participation Network Secretariat if at any time the organisation fails to meet a condition for membership or acts inappropriately;
  • A member organisation shall cease to be a member of the PPN if the organisation no longer qualifies under the conditions laid down for membership.

All groups registering with the PPN are asked to choose which sector or ‘Pillar group’ their group sits within, Community and Voluntary, Environmental or Social Inclusion.

Registrations are reviewed by the DLR PPN Secretariat, they usually meet on the 2nd Monday of the month.  It may be helpful if your group sends additional documentation such as constitutions and minutes of your last meeting etc. in advance of this to

Please click here, if you wish to find out more about the DLR PPN, its aims and why you should join.

Please click here, if you wish to find out which Pillar Group your Group or Organisation belongs to.


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