Joint Oireachtas Committee on Environment and Climate Change Survey and Workshop

“In November last year, representatives of PPNs made a presentation to the Joint Oireachtas on Environment and Climate Change. An offer was made to submit a further report to the Committee on the present climate activities of PPNs and their member groups and the potential for them to mobilise further climate action. This has the potential to unlock funding and support from Government and possibly elsewhere for this work in the community and voluntary sector. 

A very limited budget was made available by DRCD to hold a workshop on which this report will be based. It is important to hold this before people head away for summer holidays, but there have been significant challenges in making arrangements and unfortunately it is now very short notice.  

The attached notice invites representatives of PPNs to let us know about any climate action they are involved in, or would like to do, in a quick survey. They are also asked to let us know if they would like to be involved in the workshop itself.

Numbers are limited, so PPNs and groups will be selected to achieve as much diversity as possible.  DRCD has not provided additional funds for travel expenses and we hope very much that interested groups may be able to apply to their own PPN to reimburse travel costs to send a representative (if chosen) as this is a PPN event. We are hoping to include PPN secretariat members and member groups from across all 3 colleges.”

 If you have any queries, you are welcome to contact Harriet Emerson, who will be facilitating the workshop. Her email address is [email protected].

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