My Voice Matters – Call for Focus Group Participants

Mental Health Reform and LGBT Ireland are researching the lived experiences of LGBTI+ people who use mental health services in Ireland.

Both organisations will use what we learn to campaign and advocate for improved mental health supports and services for LGBTI+ people.

Mental Health Reform and LGBT Ireland are researching the lived experiences of LGBTI+ people who use mental health services in Ireland.

1. Who can take part?
LGBTI+ people who are 18 years or older and have accessed mental health services in the last 2 years (these can be public or private, and may include a psychiatrist, community mental health services, or inpatient services).

2. What will happen if I take part?
You will talk to us about your views and experiences of using mental health services. This will be done online in a focus group with 4 to 6 other people and 2 researchers from Mental Health Reform.

3. What are the risks?
The risks involved are minimal, but some people might get upset or uncomfortable during their focus group. If you feel this way, you can stop, take a break, and decide whether to keep going with the focus group or not.

4. How will you protect my privacy?
We will make every effort to ensure your privacy, confidentiality, and anonymity. Names, place names, and other potentially identifiable information will be deleted or changed in focus group transcripts and all publications.

5. How will the data/information be stored?
All data will be stored in a password protected folder on an encrypted computer owned by Mental Health Reform. A back-up will also be kept on a password protected cloud-based drive. The audio from focus groups will be recorded and transcribed later. Recordings will be deleted once transcripts are made. Transcripts will be made anonymous by deleting or changing names, place names, and other details that could be used to identify you. Transcripts will be deleted within 1 year of the project being completed.

6. Can I change my mind at any stage and withdraw from the study?
Yes. You can leave the study up to when we make the focus group transcripts anonymous. After that, it will be impossible to know what information you gave us, so we will not be able remove it after that point.

7. How will the data/information be used?
We will publish what we learn in a publicly accessible research report that will be used for both organisations’ campaign and advocacy work. We may also use the data in a later study, other publications (e.g. articles, book chapters, etc.), or to make presentations.

For details:
Contact Yvonne (she/her) at [email protected] 
or 089 2549725
or visit

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