National and International Funding – September 2024

Certified Proud Fund


The Certified Proud Fund aims to support charities and projects that are already doing great things for the LGBTQ+ community.

You can apply if all of the following apply:

Your organisation operates on the island of Ireland.

You are a registered charity, organization, or affiliated with one.

Your organisation benefits the LGBTQ+ community (e.g., health, mental health, sports, networking, arts, music, education, etc.).

You commit to submitting a written report within 12 months of receiving funding.

You are comfortable sharing your win on social media and with stakeholders.

Preferably, a member of your organisation can attend the awards ceremony in Autumn 2024.


Deadline: 13th September 2024

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LGBTI+ Youth Fund 2024 opens for applications


The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth is inviting applications from organisations who work with young people to apply for funding under the LGBTI+ Youth Fund 2024. A total of up to €400,000 is being made available in grants to applicants to the fund, with the term of the grant running from October 2024 to December 2025.

The fund has been established to support initiatives that make a difference in ensuring LGBTI+ young people are visible, included, treated equally, healthy, and safe in their communities.

Grant amounts of between €20,000 and €75,000 are available to support projects that will make a substantial impact in advancing the objectives of the fund.


Deadline: 5pm 16th September 2024

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Youth Services Grant Scheme open to new applicants


The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth is inviting applications from organisations who work with young people to apply for funding under Youth Services Grant Scheme (YSGS). A total of up to €1.25million is being made available in grants to first-time applicants to the YSGS, with the term of the grant running from October 2024 to December 2025.


Applications are invited from organisations which currently provide supports, clubs or activities to young people which support their social and personal development. Organisations must have a wide geographic coverage, providing services in at least three Education and Training Board areas. In addition, organisations that do not provide clubs or activities, but which do add significant value to the wider youth sector by supporting the work of other youth organisations, may also apply for funding under the scheme.


Deadline: 6pm 16th September 2024.

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Growing Social Enterprise fund


The Minster also announced the launch of the new €2m Dormant Accounts funded ‘Growing Social Enterprise’ fund which is an action within the ‘Trading for Impact 2024-2027’ -Ireland’s National Social Enterprise Policy. The purpose of the fund is to provide capital supports that assist enterprises to achieve their social, environmental and economic objectives, and to improve their sustainability and impact. The fund will benefit up to 100 social enterprises nationwide, with grants ranging from €1,500 to €100,000.


Deadline: 5pm 20th September 2024

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Built Heritage Investment Scheme 2025


The BHIS is a Government grant scheme using funding from the National Built Heritage Service (NBHS) to help the owners and custodians of historical buildings to maintain and conserve these important structures. Applicants can apply to their Local Authority for funding to help them undertake works to their properties.

Funding is available of up to 80% of the cost of doing approved work. Applications open each summer for the following year, and successful applicants will be notified in January each year. You must pay for the works yourself and you will receive the grant funding at the end of the year.

The funding awarded for successful projects will be between €2,500 and a maximum of €50,000

Deadline: 27th September 2024

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Artist in the Community Scheme


Are you an artist working collaboratively with a community? Are you an artist or community group with an interest in working on a collaborative, socially engaged project?

The Arts Council’s Artist in the Community (AIC) Scheme, managed by Create, offers awards to enable artists and communities of place and/or interest to work together on projects. The AIC Scheme also offers an annual bursary, as well as residencies and a summer school. The AIC scheme is open to artists from any of the following artform disciplines: architecture, circus, street art and spectacle, dance, film, literature (Irish and English language), music, opera, theatre, visual arts and traditional arts.


Deadline: 5pm Mon 30th September (Round Two)

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How We Age Photography Competition


While this is not a funding opportunity per se, we have included it as there is an opportunity to win gift vouchers for photography equipment. Maybe that is something your organisation could benefit from for taking photos of the work that you do? Of course it’s also an opportunity to give recognition to older members of your organisation which could potentially be used in any social media marketing you might do.


The Institute of Public Health (IPH) has extended the deadline for entries to the all-island photography competition by six weeks to coincide with International Day of Older Persons in October.


The competition is free to enter, open to residents of Ireland and Northern Ireland over the age of 18, and is now open for entries until 1st October 2024.


It seeks to build on the success of IPH’s 2022 competition by creating a series of images that will better represent and more accurately portray what it means to age or get older in Ireland and Northern Ireland.


Under the theme of ‘Working, learning, and volunteering in later life’, the 2024 competition is seeking photographs that show how older people enrich our lives and communities through work, teaching, learning, or volunteering.


Deadline: 1st October 2024

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Climate Actions Work


New campaign and funding programme for community climate engagement launched

This is a new, first of its kind campaign and fund specifically for climate engagement to support and inspire people to take and talk about the climate actions that can improve their local areas.


The campaign, called Climate Actions Work, will focus on encouraging and supporting climate engagement and communications actions.

The fund is designed as a unique, small-scale, flexible fund that can help community groups spread the word about what they are doing or what they might be planning to do.

Deadline: 4th October 2024

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Heritage Keepers


The latest round of the National Heritage Keepers Programme is open for applications. Heritage Keepers are now looking for community groups and senior classes of primary schools to take part in its highly anticipated fourth round. Through a series of online workshops Heritage Keepers empowers groups and schools to delve into their local heritage and then provides funding to allow them to take positive action.


Deadline: 4th October

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Arts and Disability Connect (Round Two)


Arts and Disability Connect includes Mentoring, Training, New Work, and Research and Reflection awards for individual artists with disabilities.


The Arts and Disability Connect scheme is designed to support artists with disabilities to be ambitious, to develop their practice and to connect with arts organisations and arts professionals in the Republic of Ireland.


One-on-one Applicant Support – Artists and people supporting them to apply for Arts and Disability Connect funding can book in applicant support.


Deadline: 4pm Tuesday 8th October

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2024 Walks Scheme Expansion


Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys TD, announced that 62 new walking trails across the country are approved in principle to join the Walks Scheme in February 2024. The expansion recognises the importance of the scheme in delivering high quality trails.

A key action in Embracing Irelands Outdoors, the National Outdoor Recreation Strategy 2023-2027, is to expand the Walks Scheme to 150 trails by end 2024.

In light of this, a Call for Expressions of Interest to join the Walks Scheme has now opened. Closing date for Expressions of Interest is 11th October 2024. All applications must be made through your Local Development Company.


Deadline for Expressions of Interest is 11th October 2024.

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Community Food Initiative at Home Funding 2024


The Community Food Initiative (CFI) is a programme that aims to positively influence the eating habits of families with children across the Island of Ireland. The programme runs over a three year cycle (2022-24) and its purpose is to support the development of knowledge and skills around food and cooking. The programme is funded by safefood, an All-island government body responsible for the promotion of food safety and healthy eating. The programme is managed by SECAD Partnership on behalf of safefood.


safefood is inviting organisations who are not currently involved in the CFI to apply for funding to deliver an online project that meets the criteria of the CFI at Home Programme. The purpose of the CFI at Home Programme is to support families in their own homes to develop their food and cooking skills.


Projects could include all or some of the following elements:

  • Learning how to prepare & cook a recipe
  • Attending an online cookery session
  • Online support groups for sharing ideas and tips
  • Online interactive talks delivered by a dietitian or registered nutritionist


Deadline: Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis but as all activities must be finished by 1st November 2024, it is important that applications are submitted as soon as possible.

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Community Water Development Fund 2025


Administered by the Local Authority Waters Programme (LAWPRO), with funding from the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, the Community Water Development Fund provides funding to local communities and groups to support the delivery of projects and initiatives to enhance local water bodies and benefit water quality and biodiversity.


In the 2024 funding call, over €700,000 grant aid was awarded to 155 water quality projects. The fund is open to all community and voluntary groups to help in the protection and management of water quality, both locally and in the wider catchment. Interested community and voluntary groups can download the guidelines and complete the grant application form online at from 18th September with a deadline of 20th November 2024.


Deadline: 20th November 2024

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Festival Investment Scheme 2025 Round 2

(for festivals taking place July-Dec 2025)


Round 2 of the Festivals Investment Scheme will open for applications on the 22nd of October 2024.

The Arts Council will present a digital funding clinic on 7th November for applicants to the Festival Investment Scheme 2025 Round 2. The clinic will cover the objectives, purpose and priorities of the award and take applicants through the guidelines and application process. This will include a Q & A session where applicants will have the opportunity to ask questions.


Guidelines will be available from 8th October 2024 on the Arts Council’s available funding page. The clinic will take place on Thursday 7th November 2024 11:30am – 1pm via zoom.


Deadline: 21st November 2024

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Age & Opportunity Active National Grant Scheme


The Age & Opportunity Active National Grant Scheme offers financial supports – provided by Sport Ireland – to local clubs, groups and organisations, nationwide who promote increased participation in recreational sport or physical activity for older people.


Some of the Sport Initiatives supported are:

Age & Opportunity Active National Grant Scheme

Offers financial supports to local clubs, groups and organisations, nationwide.


A telephone mentoring service which encourages callers to start getting more active- we’re only a phone call away!


Physical Activity Leaders

An education and peer leadership initiative which trains older people how to lead sport and activity sessions in their local groups and communities.



Trains those working in care settings to lead suitable physical activities.


People with intellectual disability Physical Activity Leaders

Enabling people with intellectual disability (ID) to become physical activity leaders.


Walking Football initiative

An Age & Opportunity initiative for older men that is great craic and good for general health and wellbeing.


European Week of Sport

Promoting sport and physical activity across Europe.


Go For Life Games

Teams from all over Ireland coming together to take part in a national day of sport in June every year.


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2024 Community Recognition Fund


The Community Recognition Fund was first introduced last year to recognise the huge efforts made by communities in welcoming and supporting people coming to Ireland.

Through the 2023 allocation, funding of €50 million was approved for some 900 projects in supporting cities, towns and villages nationwide that have welcomed people from Ukraine and other countries.

A further €50 million is being provided again to deliver projects over 2024 and 2025.

Local authorities, in collaboration with communities, will be funded to develop projects that will deliver long term benefits to those living in the areas selected.


Projects that will be funded include:

  • Development or refurbishment of community or cultural facilities including play areas, walkways, parks, community/sensory gardens, allotments, and recreational areas;
  • Development or refurbishment of local club and sports facilities;
  • Enhancement to school/parish facilities which are open to use by all of the community after school hours;
  • Purchase of equipment for local clubs, festivals, community events and organisations
  • Transport infrastructure such as community vehicles



Application window 2 – 1st August to 30th September 2024

Application window 3 – 1st January 2025 to 31st January 2025


Visit the page below for links to your local council and details on how to apply.

Read more:

Digital Repository Ireland Community Archive Scheme 2025


As a publicly funded repository for Ireland’s social and cultural data, the Digital Repository of Ireland (DRI) believes it is important to make long-term preservation of digital materials open to a wide range of organisations, including those operating on a non-funded, voluntary basis.


Deadline: 5pm Friday 8th November 2024

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PEACEPLUS Programme – Cross Border Funding


PEACEPLUS is a new cross-border funding Programme designed to support peace and prosperity across Northern Ireland and the border counties of Ireland, building upon the work of the previous PEACE and INTERREG Programmes.


The programme has been divided into the following six themes:

Theme 1 – Building Peaceful and Thriving Communities

Theme 2 – Delivering Socio-Economic Regeneration and Transformation

Theme 3 – Empowering and Investing in Our Young People

Theme 4 – Healthy and Inclusive Communities

Theme 5 – Supporting a Sustainable & Better Connected Future

Theme 6 – Building and Embedding Partnership and Collaboration


Deadline: Various deadlines – click here to view Funding call timetable

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Seniors Alert Scheme (SAS)


The Seniors Alert Scheme (SAS) has been established to encourage community support for vulnerable older people in our communities. It provides funding for a personal monitored alarm, connected to a contact centre to enable older persons of 65 or older and of limited means, to continue to live securely in their homes with confidence, independence and peace of mind.

The Scheme is funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development via Pobal with equipment made available through community, voluntary and not-for-profit organisations registered with Pobal under the SAS.


Deadline: Ongoing

More info:

To Register as a Seniors Alert Scheme organisation:

The Hospital Saturday Fund


The Hospital Saturday Fund is a registered charity whose aims are to provide assistance for registered health charities, hospices, medical organisations and individuals with a medical condition or disability.

They can provide grants for medical projects, care, research or support of medical training within the United Kingdom, Channel Islands, Isle of Man, the Republic of Ireland and Malta.

For individuals, they can provide help with the purchase of specialised equipment or forms of treatment.

For medically related charities, hospitals, hospices and medical clinics:

The Hospital Saturday Fund will consider giving grants towards medical capital projects, medical care or research and in support of medical training. The Hospital Saturday Fund will also consider grants for running costs.

For Individuals:

The Hospital Saturday Fund will consider giving partial or full grants to individuals for the following:

Specialised mobility equipment, wheelchairs, mobility scooters, car adaptions, medical appliances and aids, hearing aids, nebulisers, specialised vision aids, specialised computer equipment, therapeutic equipment/treatment, orthopaedic beds, mattresses or pillows, riser /recliners chairs, lift hoist/aids.

Physiotherapy, Hydrotherapy, Acupuncture, Speech Therapy, Osteopathy, Chiropractic treatment, Reflexology, Massage Therapy and Aromatherapy.

Home adaptations, walk in showers, accessibility adaptations to bathrooms, access ramps, non-slip flooring, stair lifts.


Deadline: Various deadlines

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Community-based CCTV Grant Aid Scheme


The community-based CCTV grant aid scheme supports communities and local authorities who wish to install and maintain CCTV security systems in their area to increase public safety and to deter illegal or anti-social behaviour.

The maximum grant available for each CCTV system is €45,000.

Applicants to the scheme can include not-for-profit organisations within the community, as well as relevant statutory or voluntary organisations. For example, applicants may include:

  • area partnerships
  • community development projects
  • family resource centres
  • local authorities
  • community enterprises

Applications are also welcome from groups such as a not-for-profit consortium of private and community interests which has come together to formulate an application.


Deadline: Ongoing

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Movement for Good 2024


Ecclesiastical and Benefact Group’s Movement for Good Awards is back. Now in its sixth year, the awards are giving charities across the UK and Ireland the opportunity to receive €1,000.


The Movement for Good Awards will once again see more than €1million donated to good causes and from today, people can quickly and easily nominate a charity online at


The Movement for Good Awards has donated over £5million to charities in the UK and Ireland since the initiative started in 2019.


Winners will be drawn at random and the more times a charity is nominated the more chance it has of being selected.


There will also be a series of special draws where charities operating within specific sectors can be nominated to receive a grant of €5,000, the timetable of draws can be viewed at and donations will be announced throughout the year.


Deadline – Ongoing with monthly draws

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SEAI Energy Master Plan Funding for Sustainable Energy Communities


The grant programme is open all year round and you can apply for funding by completing a funding application form. The grant offer is valid for 12 months to give you plenty of time to identify the community priorities, find an external expert and develop your energy masterplan in consultation with your community.

SEAI will provide a 100% grant to cover the costs of an external expert to help your community develop an Energy Master Plan. The Energy Master Plan funding ranges in value depending on the level and scale of the Sustainable Energy Community. The scale of the SEC is linked to the estimate of the energy spend in your community.

Funding available is from €10,000 to €25,000 depending on size of community.


Deadline: Open all year round

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LEADER Funding


LEADER Programme 2023-2027 grant support is available in rural areas under the following indicative themes:

  • Economic Development and Job Creation
  • Rural Infrastructure and Social Inclusion
  • Sustainable Development of Rural Environment and Climate Change Mitigation


To get a good insight into projects supported in the past, this booklet produced by CAP Network Ireland (formerly National Rural Network) has an excellent compilation of case studies:  LEADER Programme 2014-2020 Case Studies from Ireland. Hopefully you can gain some inspiration from that.

Click here to find your Local Development Company


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PayPal Giving Fund Ireland


PayPal Giving Fund Ireland helps people support their favourite charities online and raises funds to benefit charities through PayPal and other technology platforms. We receive donations and make grants to our donors’ recommended charities.


Deadline: ongoing

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Artist Workspaces Capital Scheme


Does your community group have an idea for creating a workspace for artists? Your Local Authority may be able to assist you realise your ambition.

Applications are now open for Local Authorities under the Pilot Artist Workspaces Scheme to increase the provision of artists’ workspaces across Ireland.

The primary focus of this pilot scheme is to provide funding to Local Authorities to enable them to provide additional capacity and availability of artist workspaces in their regions on a sustainable basis. Under this scheme Local Authorities are therefore invited to propose projects which can accommodate and address the demand for artist workspaces in their regions and produce workspaces that are fit for purpose, design focused and accessible.


Deadline: No closing date, any funds not allocated within nine months from the launch

of the scheme may be re-distributed to Local Authorities who have already applied and

made significant progress with their projects subject to a detailed Business Case.

More info:

Baboró Go See Fund


Baboró is delighted to offer a small Go See Fund to support artists and creatives to travel within Ireland to see work for children. The fund is designed for those who make or wish to make work for children and are looking for inspiration, new approaches to presentation, etc.

To ensure this small fund can benefit as many individuals as possible, it will support the cost of event tickets and travel within the island of Ireland only, up to a maximum of €100 per application.


Deadline: ongoing

More info:


Many funding opportunities are open to other countries Worldwide and therefore may be more competitive, but don’t let that deter you, they’re always worth a look at.
Call for Artists in the Agri-Food Sector


Hungry EcoCities aims to accelerate responsible innovation in Europe’s agri-food value chains by integrating art-driven experimentation and prototyping. This second Open Call will showcase how this approach can enhance AI-enabled responsible innovation for a sustainable food chain.


We search for individual Artists who will come together with the End-Users to address specific local challenges for artist-driven experiments conducted in local test sites. The selected teams will work together on a proposal to tackle a challenge in a concrete test site provided by the End-User (e.g., supermarket, bio farm, community garden, production facility, restaurant).


Deadline: 20th September 2024

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Biennials Connect Grants


Biennials Connect Grants support visual artists to participate in UK and international festivals and biennials. The grants directly benefit artists by facilitating opportunities for travel, the production of new work, networking, skills building and showcasing. The programme also promotes cross-cultural exchange by providing opportunities for artists and biennials to connect, collaborate and build meaningful partnerships across the globe.

Eligible biennials/festivals can apply for grants of up to £5,000 and £10,000 to support visual artists’ participation in their festival. Applications are welcome from UK biennials/festivals wanting to support contemporary international visual artists, and from international biennials/festivals in selected countries wanting to support contemporary UK visual artists.


Deadline: 11.59pm 22nd September 2024

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The Lush Spring Prize


People all over the world are developing ways to live in harmony with nature and each other. They are generating renewable resources, restoring ecosystems, nurturing solidarity and building health, wholeness and resilience. They are bringing life back to damaged land and oceans.


The Lush Spring Prize is here to support this regeneration movement through:

  • A biennial £200,000+ prize fund. This is open to communities, organisations and businesses from the Intentional stage, through to Young and Established organisations, and Influencers.
  • Events to bring people together to share their skills and experiences.
  • Publicity to raise awareness of regeneration and its potential to heal damaged systems, create resilience to crises, and grow abundance.


Deadline: 27th September 2024

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Patagonia Environmental Grants


Patagonia supports environmental organisations with bold, direct-action agendas and a commitment to long-term change.

They support innovative work that addresses the root causes of the environmental crisis and seeks to protect both the environment and affected communities.


Deadlines: September 30th 2024 and January 31st 2025

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Khyentse Foundation Trisong Grants


Khyentse Foundation Trisong Grants aim to identify and support individuals and organizations that are working to promote mental health and well-being in the world, through projects and programs that have a foundation in Buddha’s wisdom. In difficult and turbulent times, people may not know where to turn for help. Khyentse Foundation wants to find new ways for people to experience the benefits of Buddha’s teachings.


Projects do not need to be overtly Buddhist, but they should be rooted in Buddhist view and practice and share in values that alleviate suffering, encourage emotional well-being, and strengthen both physical and mental health. We encourage applications that offer innovative, creative, and skillful solutions to sharing a Buddhist view of basic well-being. Most of our applications come from Buddhist practitioners or groups.


Examples of applications that may be well-received include:

  • A Buddhist centre offering hospice service or training people in end-of-life care
  • A project using art or performance therapy in a group setting
  • Doing outreach and social work for people in need
  • Using Buddhist concepts to help people struggling with addiction
  • A program to visit schools and talk to young people about managing their emotions in difficult times
  • Developing a Buddhist chaplaincy curriculum
  • A Buddhist centre hosting an informal event for the local community
  • A project to offer a group meditation program in a prison setting
  • Starting a Buddhist-based depression and anxiety support group
  • Using pastoral counselling to help people meet their challenges
  • A program introducing families to meditation

Trisong Grant awards are usually in the $1,000 to $5,000 USD range


Deadline: 30th September 2024

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Meet and Code 2024


Get €500 to fund your coding event. Starting today, May 22nd, non-profit organizations can submit their proposals for workshops, lectures, hackathons, coding competitions, and more! This year, the application window is extended until September 30th, giving you more time to craft your dream event, which must be hosted from June 17 to October 31.


Here’s what you need to know:

Who can participate? Anyone with a passion for code and digital skills can get involved! Schools, IT professionals, nonprofit organizations and even computer clubs can design events for children and youth aged 8-24. However, the official event organiser needs to be a charitable organisation to secure funding.


Deadline: 30th September 2024

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The Earth Prize


The Earth Prize is an annual, global $100,000 environmental sustainability competition for students between the ages of 13 and 19, which rewards the teams whose projects have the most potential to address environmental issues.


The Earth Prize, the world’s largest environmental competition for young people, has seen participation from teams in over 150 countries during its first three annual editions. It aims to inspire and empower the next generation of environmental leaders and innovators, creating a global platform for sharing and scaling their solutions.


Starting with the 2025 edition, there will be seven regional winners, each receiving $12,500 to implement their ideas. The regions are Oceania, Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Europe, North America, and Central & South America. Additionally, The Earth Prize will recognize three mentors and three educators of the year, awarding each $2,500.


Deadline: 30th November 2024

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ProVeg Grants


The ProVeg Grants program is accelerating the transformation of our food system by providing support for organisations involved in this vital work. Since 2019, ProVeg International has provided more than 500 grants to organisations and individuals in over 70 countries. They provide both financial support and assistance with capacity-building. ProVeg Grants offers financial support of between $5,000 and $50,000 per year.


Deadline: Quarterly – 1st December 2024

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