National Community Weekend May 4th-6th 2019 – funding for community events

The Department of Rural & Community Development have announced that they are creating a new National Community Weekend, on the May bank holiday, 4th-6th May this year to celebrate the spirit of community that exists across the country and to help people who share communities to come together, get to know each other and deepen the sense of community in their area.

There is grant funding of up to €300 available from the Department of Rural & Community Development through the DLR Local Community Development Committee to run events as part of the National Community Weekend. Events of any type can be considered but groups are asked to give a detailed description of their plan, costings and the number of people involved. The guidelines for application and the application form are available on the DLRCC website.

If you have any questions please contact [email protected] or phone 01 2054893. Completed application forms must be submitted to [email protected], or by post, before the 29th of March 2019, 4 pm.

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