Call for organisations and groups to be Sustainable Development Goal Champions

The SDGs, also known as the Global Goals, were adopted by the United Nations in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure […]

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Poster of Climate Heroes: Community Climate Challenge

Climate Heroes: Community Climate Challenge

Join Ireland’s only national community climate challenge! From 15th to 26th April 2024, community groups and organisations will compete to reduce their carbon footprint by the largest amount. Leading up […]

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Communicating Europe Initiative Fund

The Minister of State for European Affairs, Peter Burke TD, has invited voluntary organisations and civil society groups, educational bodies and local authorities to apply for funding under the Department […]

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SEAI – Solar Panel Electricity Grant

Introduction The Solar Electricity Grant provides a once-off grant towards the purchase and installation of solar photovoltaic (PV) panels for your home. It is administered by the Sustainable Energy Authority […]

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Invitation for a free webinar on the topic "Improving Your Annual Report"

Improving Your Nonprofit’s Annual Report – Free training session

Improving Your Nonprofit’s Annual Report – February 27th 2024 from 10.05-10.55am Carmichael is delighted to provide free training webinars on relevant themes for nonprofits. In this webinar nonprofits of all […]

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dlr County Council Environment and Climate Action Grants

Deadline for Submissions – the 28th March, at 12.00pm. The Environment and Climate Action Grant supports residents’ associations, tidy district, and tidy town groups to enhance and improve their local […]

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Age Friendly Recognition Charters Awarded to Public Libraries across Ireland

All Public Library Services receive the Charter Minister Humphreys: ‘This is about the provision of enhanced library services for older citizens’ The charters recognise the progress made by public libraries […]

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dlr Business Area Promotion Grants – Now Open

dlr Grants 2024 dlr Grants Round 2 – We have grants available for Environment & Climate Action and Business Area Promotion. The grants are now open for applications until Thursday, […]

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Public Consultation on Trawling Activity Inside the Six Nautical Mile Zone and the Baselines

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue, T.D., has launched a consultation process on a review of trawling activity inside the six nautical mile zone and the […]

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Advertisement for Bealtaine Festival in May 2024


BEALTAINE FESTIVAL RETURNS FOR 2024 WITH OPEN CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS  National Arts Festival returns for May 2024 celebrating arts and creativity as we age   Open call to register event submissions […]

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