Public consultation on proposed amendments to the Access to Information on the Environment (AIE) Regulations 2007-2018

The Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications invites submissions on the proposed amendments to the Access to Information on the Environment (AIE) Regulations 2007-2018 Deadline for submissions: 18th December […]

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2023 Parent Peer Support fund now open for applications

The Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, Roderic O’Gorman, launched the 2024 Parent Peer Support fund. The fund is open to organisations working with parents and/or children and […]

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Become a Partner of the European Climate Action Pact

We are pleased to announce that the call for the European Climate Pact Partners is now open. If your organisation is eager to address the climate crisis and contribute to […]

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National consultation on a new National Disability Strategy

Are you interested in sharing your experience and suggesting what a National Disability Strategy could include to improve the lives of disabled people? If so, we invite you to join […]

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Consultation: Carrickmines Shanganagh River Flood Relief Scheme

Public Consultation Event – Presentation of Preferred Option Wednesday 13th December 4:30pm – 8pm  Rathmichael Parish National School, Stonebridge Road, Shankill, Dublin, D18 ET38 ·        Open to all residents, businesses, […]

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Group of people are listening a speaker at DLR PPN Autumn Plenary Meeting 2023

DLR PPN Autumn Plenary Meeting 2023

  The DLR PPN Autumn Plenary Meeting took place on the 23rd of November in the Royal Marine Hotel, Dun Laoghaire. We were delighted to welcome 80 participants on the […]

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Rights of Nature Actions through the Public Participation Network

Online Meet Up – Monday December 4th at 7pm Register Here   There is amazing work happening in Ireland at the moment surrounding the Rights of Nature. At this meeting we will […]

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Dundrum Local Area Plan (DLAP)

The Local Area Plan came into effect on the 21st November 2023. The Dundrum Local Area Plan (DLAP) sets out the policies and objectives to guide future development in Dundrum. The […]

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Poster for The Dormant Accounts Action Plan 2024

The Dormant Accounts Action Plan 2024

Minister of State for Community Development, Integration and Charities Joe O’Brien TD, today (23th November 2023) announced funding of €47.6 million from the Dormant Accounts Fund to address disadvantage right […]

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