You will be aware of the newly reported Brazilian variant of COVID.
- All passengers who have arrived from Brazil in January are requested to come forward for a COVID-19 PCR test. This test can be obtained by going to a GP and seeking a referral. GPs have been alerted and will facilitate this without any charge.
- These travellers are also strongly advised to self-isolate for 14 days from the date of arrival.
- The HSE’s contracted isolation facility at the Citywest Hotel complex is available to those who are unable to self-isolate in their own homes for any reason and is an option for people from Brazil in this situation.
Se você chegou de viagem recentemente do Brasil, aconselhamos que você se isole pelos seus primeiros 14 dias na Irlanda. Por gentileza, ligue para um clínico geral para agendar um teste de covid-19 de graça. Isso deve ser feito o quanto antes, 5 dias após a sua chegada. Por favor, acesse para ver detalhes de contatos de Clínicos gerais na sua área.
If you have recently travelled from Brazil, you are advised to self-isolate for your first 14 days in Ireland. Also, please call a GP to arrange a free COVID-19 test. This should be done as soon as possible after 5 days post arrival. Please check for contact details of doctors in your area.