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Register Now for a Spotlight on Age Friendly Ireland | Policy to Practice | Webinar 8 – Social Participation

Ireland is uniquely positioned as the first Age Friendly Country in the world, with full affiliation across all administrative areas to the World Health Organisation’s global Age Friendly Cities and Communities Programme. Age Friendly Ireland is thereby acknowledged as an international leader in terms of Age Friendly principles and practices.

To showcase the work undertaken by the Programme since 2009, Age Friendly Ireland is hosting a series of international webinars over the coming months. Eight webinars will be delivered in total, each one focusing on one of the eight World Health Organisation domains for Age Friendly Communities (Housing, Community Support & Health Services, Social Participation, Respect & Social Inclusion, Communication & Information, Transportation, Outdoor Space & Buildings, Civic Participation & Employment).

Join Age Friendly Ireland for Webinar 8 – Social Participation on Tuesday the 20th of September from 12.00pm to 2.00pm (IST – Irish Standard Time)

Webinar 8 will focus on the theme of Social Participation.

Once you complete this registration you will receive an automatic reply email which will include the link to join the event on the 20th of September.

If you would like to pose a question to our panel in advance of the event or live on the day you can do so via @

The personal information (data) collected on this registration form, is collected for the purpose of recording attendance and any data collected is subject to Meath County Council’s privacy statement which can be found at


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