Report on the meeting – Housing for People Living with a Disability

Report on the Housing for People with a Disability Meeting – click here to download the PDF report


Date: 24th March 2021

Time: 6.00pm – 8.00pm


David Girvan – Representative on the DLR CoCo Housing & Disability Steering Group.

Simone Sav – Network Manager for the DLR PPN


The meeting started with a brief introduction of all the participants and their interest in the topic of housing for people with a disability.

David Girvan highlighted the fact that pillars of disability need to be considered. The Pillars of Disability were defined as follows:

  • Physical Disability
  • Sensory Disability
  • Intellectual Disability (incl Autism!)
  • Mental Health Disability

The meeting followed the structure of the new draft for the Strategic Plan for People with a Disability – the 9 chapters. 

  1.  Awareness & Promotion of the Local Plan
  2. Stakeholder Engagement
  3.  Local Aims & Objectives – Key Aims of NHSPwD
  4. Quantify the Current Need and identify sources of Emerging Need
  5. Housing Types required
  6. Supports – Social and Care
  7. Risks and Barriers to Delivery
  8. How to Target Delivery
  9. How should targets and deliveries be Reported


The questions that were identified as important to consider throughout the meeting were:

  • What are the housing needs that your group has identified and you would like to see included under a Strategic Plan for Housing People with a Disability?
  • What are the funding requirements that you have encountered ?
  • In your opinion, what are the risks and challenges to delivering housing for people with a disability?
  • Are there any initiatives and projects that you would like implemented in DLR that you would like included in the Strategic Plan?



Feedback from participants 


  1. Identifying the need for greater understanding of disability on the part of the local community, the Local Authority and other Agencies:
  • Disability can be something that people are born with, something acquired as a result of accidents, genetics, etc or as a normal result of ageing.
  • A clear point was made that, as we age, we all face the reality of becoming disabled. It is important to bear this in mind.
  • Disability needs to be normalised and expected.
  • The different types of disability (mentioned at the beginning of the meeting) are not always considered by the local stakeholders.
  • It is important that Senior Planners be informed about the various types of disability and needs.


  1. Identifying the real number of cases that would need housing:
  • The prevalence of homelessness among people with a disability is not known. 
  • Homelessness among people with a disability can also mean that they live with their parents/ guardians/ family, even though they could have their own place, if resources and additional support were made available.
  • Having a better understanding of the real need for housing for people with a  disability would help bring the issue to the forefront of policy-makers.
  • Hidden homelessness among people with a disability perpetuates the idea that it is always the family’s responsibility to care for a person with a disability. 
  • There are limited options when a family/ guardian/ parent can no longer care for a person with a disability.


  1. De-mystifying the process of applying for housing for people with a disability and widening the support given :
  • It would be important to encourage people to apply for housing
  • Forms should be made readily available 
  • Social care services could offer targeted programs to support people with the application process


  1. Lobbying for raising awareness at policy and decision-making level, both locally and nationally
  • A platform is needed to raise awareness locally
  • Communication between  interested groups, parents, associations is important
  • Identifying stories and creating a communication strategy to bring this issue to the forefront


  1. Sourcing and resourcing housing that is fit for purpose 
  • The need for new building, rather than retro-fitting
  • The need for single storied properties fit for purpose
  • The need for funding to be made available to those wishing to do the retro-fitting.
  • Ergonomic design for buildings


  1. Creating a platform that enables people living with a disability to live as independently as possible
  • Allowing for more adaptations to be made
  • Ensuring that there is adequate transportation made available as not everyone would have the means of driving a car.


  1. Making a change
  • An allocation target for Dun Laoghaire Rathdown is needed
  • A specific annual budget should be allocated to this issue
  • Clear objectives should be identified in the Local Authority, subject to updates
  • Progress reports should be made available to the public. 



The feedback captured and the ensuing report would be circulated to all participants, and the wider Public Participation Network, with a view of future meetings.



Simone Sav                     [email protected] 


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