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Rights of Nature Actions through the Public Participation Network

Online Meet Up – Monday December 4th at 7pm

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There is amazing work happening in Ireland at the moment surrounding the Rights of Nature. At this meeting we will hear from some of those involved directly in taking action for the Rights of Nature through their Public Participation Networks, and learn from PPNs who have already taken steps to move this forward in their own counties.

What is Rights of Nature?

Rights of Nature is a way of re-thinking our relationship with nature – from one of dominance to one of sharing, caring, respect and interdependency. In Ireland, communities are coming together to talk about Rights of Nature and what it could mean for us. Already there is action being taken in some counties to bring the Rights of Nature into Local Authorities. Adding the Rights of Nature to our Constitution is also being debated in the Oireachtas alongside other recommendations that came from the Citizens Assembly on Biodiversity Loss.

Community Representatives in Public Participation Networks have begun to take action, and tonight we will hear from some of them about what they have achieved and how.

Rights of Nature meeting schedule

This meet up will give an overview of the progress of Rights of Nature in Ireland, focusing on the work being done by PPN Representatives. It is an opportunity to hear from other PPN Reps and to explore how you could bring the Rights of Nature forward in your county too.

Dr. Peter Doran will introduce the evening, giving an overview of Rights of Nature and where these rights currently stand in Ireland. Peter is a founding member of the Environmental Justice Network Ireland, and a lecturer in Law at Queens University Belfast.

Continuing the evening we will hear from Martina Finn, Galway County PPN Representative on their work to progress the Rights of Nature through their County Council.

Work is also progressing in Donegal, Westmeath, Clare and Tipperary.

Join us to find out more about how you can help give rights to nature in your county!

Register here:

All are welcome! If you are currently a Representative on the PPN with an interest in the topic please come along. If you are not involved in your PPN but would like to learn more you are very welcome!

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