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Summary of DLR PPN Plenary Meeting 7th November 2018

DLR PPN held its Autumn Plenary meeting on Wednesday November 7th in the Assembly room, County Hall, Dun Laoghaire. 61 people attended. Agenda


Community Supports Showcase

A Community Supports Showcase was held before the meeting, with information stands from Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council’s Environmental Awareness section, DLR Age Friendly County, Dublin Rural LEADER Partnership, Imagine Dundrum, Southside Travellers Action Group, DLR Drug & Alcohol Task Force, and NoSUPTown


DLR PPN Progress report

Secretariat member Jen Kane Mason gave an update on the work of DLR PPN over the past 6 months. This included updates about membership, engagement, training and work on a local level. See the full update here

An update on the National PPN network including the work of the PPN National Advisory Group and the National PPN Conference that took place in October was given by Secretariat member Aileen Eglington.


DLR PPN Member’s Presentations

Liam O’Donoghue gave a presentation about Shankill Tennis Club and Anne Colgan and John Lennon gave a presentation about Imagine Dundrum.


DLR PPN activity in 2019

Secretariat member David Girvan gave an update on how the Local Elections in 2019 will mean DLR PPN must recruit for new representatives to sit on the Strategic Policy Committees. He also told members about a planned member re-registration process and how DLR PPN will be asking members about their training needs. See the full update here

Secretariat member Dara Carroll told members about the plan to develop a Community Wellbeing Statement for DLR PPN. A Community Wellbeing Statement identifies the key issues that member groups in a PPN area consider are important for their community to be the best that it can be for this and future generations. It acts as a vision statement to guide the work of the PPN. See the full  presentation here



Unfortunately as the meeting was running late there was not time to carry out the scheduled workshop/discussion. 



Secretariat member Tony McCarthy let members know about upcoming DLR PPN training on Planning & Urban development and Fundraising and Grant-writing, an upcoming workshop on the Sustainable Development Goals and the public consultation on the National Digital Strategy.

Laura Howe, DLR PPN manager thanked members for attending, those who ran information stands and DLRCC for providing the venue. The meeting ended.


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