Would you be interested in becoming a DLR PPN Secretariat Member?

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown Public Participation Network is looking for nomination for Secretariat members. We currently have three vacancies on the DLR PPN Secretariat:

  • 1 vacancy for the Environmental Pillar
  • 2 vacancies for the Social Inclusion Pillar

Nominations will be open from 17th of September to 7th of October 2020.

The Secretariat is is the administrative body of the PPN and is elected by the members of the PPN. Its role is to:

– Implement decisions made by PPN members at the Plenary.
– Ensure the the PPN functions in between Plenaries
– Coordinate the activities of the PPN
– Communicate regularly with all PPN members and share information concerning PPN activities as widely as possible.
– Maintain records of PPN business, for example meeting minutes, and share meeting agendas.
– Act as the point of contact for the PPN in relation to the Local Authority, the Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government and other organisations.
– Deal with all correspondence on behalf of PPN, through distributing copies and drafting agreed responses.
– Manage the PPN network manager.
– Secretariat members are selected from the Community and Voluntary, Social Inclusion and Environmental pillar groups of the PPN. There should be equal representation of all three pillar groups on the Secretariat.

In order for the nomination to be valid, a candidate cannot nominate themselves. Nominees must be a member of the group nominating them and should be able to demonstrate that they are actively part of that group.

A member group may only nominate one person to any vacancy. Please find more information by clicking here.

If you have queries or problems filling out this form, please contact Simone Sav [email protected] or call 087 455 7945.


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