St Stephen’s Green Trust Autumn 2017 grant programme

The autumn grant programme will fund community and voluntary organisations across the island of Ireland which are registered charities.

Traveller Men
Funding for locally-based projects seeking to increase the participation of male Travellers in the development of their own community, including initiatives breaking new ground in family support, culturally-appropriate employment initiatives and personal development.

Criminal Justice 
This programme supports work with prisoners, ex-prisoners and their families. Progressive initiatives focused on new approaches for: alternatives to custody; in-prison supports; through-the-gate supports; the availability of options to integrate the ex-prisoner back into society and initiatives working with prisoners’ families.

Vulnerable Migrants
Vulnerable migrants are defined as refugees, asylum seekers and undocumented migrants living in severe poverty and hardship. The Trust recognises the severe disadvantage and poverty which can be experienced by vulnerable migrants living in Ireland. This includes families living in Direct Provision Centres in the Republic of Ireland, refused asylum seekers in Northern Ireland who often experience destitution and undocumented migrants in precarious employment.

Deadline: Thurs 21 Sept 2017

More information: grant schemes St Stephen’s Green Trust

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