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Nominations open for DLR PPN representatives on the Local Community Development Committee

The current three year term for DLR PPN’s Environmental Pillar representative and one of DLR PPN’s Community and Voluntary Pillar representatives on the Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) has ended. DLR PPN members must elect new representatives for the next 3 year term. 

PPN member groups from the Environmental and Community and Voluntary Pillars are invited to nominate a candidate who has an interest, knowledge or experience relating to community and local development to sit on the LCDC, to represent the views of PPN members and play a part in decision and policy-making. 

The deadline for nominations is Friday 24th of May 2019. Online and postal elections for a candidate to fill this vacancy will be held at the start of June. 


To nominate a candidate from the Environmental Pillar

Nominations can be made by DLR PPN members in the Environmental pillar using this online nomination form or by completing this downloadable nomination form and returning it by post or email.


To nominate a candidate from the Community and Voluntary Pillar

Nominations can be made by DLR PPN members in the Community & Voluntary pillar using this online nomination form or by completing this downloadable nomination form and returning it by post or email.


Information for candidates

More information about the work of the LCDC and the role of representatives on this committee, including time commitments is available here.

There is also additional information about the LCDC at

Information about the Rights, Roles and Responsibilities of DLR PPN representatives is available here.

If you have any questions please contact Laura Howe on 087 6394506 or

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